"Struggles in the horizon"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, member of the International Department

The events in progress, in Tunisia,have deeply disturbed the system forces. Before the impetus of the popular rebellion and the spreading discontent which took over the streets, despite the repression, dictator Ben Ali’s resignation was inevitable. His run away unto Saudi Arabia is the Tunisian people’s victory.

At the same time, it becomes clear to all those who,in Tunes and in other parts of the North-African country, carry on demonstrating, demanding the effective deposition of the old regime and genuine democratic changes, the neocolonialism accomplices and the imperialism followers, their Paris and Washington masters, have nothing to offer, unless the prolonging agony of perspectives‘absence.

Currently, it is not difficult to predict how feverish, the secret services and diversion agencies interference and subversive activity is, in order to limit “damages” and hold back the rebellion wave, hindering the Tunisian people’s struggle - which shows signs of a growing dynamic - so that it might assume the inherent feature of an anti-imperialist character revolutionary mobilization.

The dangers of “contamination”unto the Arabic world and the Middle East are particularly feared. The recent protests, on Egipt, Jordania and Iemen, among others, streets, are the proof of a general degree of popular saturation, which begins to reach “explosive” levels. In Aman, King Abdullah rushed to decree price amendments on some essential commodities in an attempt to mitigate social discontent, which has filled Jordania’s capital streets of thousands of demonstrators, holding different consigners and flags.

Within other latitudes, as in Albania, the USA, NATO and the EU’s intervention rear front in the Balkans -, power forces choose to deadly gun sweep the protests against Tirana’s corruption. Certainly nothing is new, that might stir up the faintest doubt about the bipartite regime’s “democratic qualities”, currently headed by prime-minister Sali Berisha…

The spreading of discontent and the social protest forces’ increase is inseparable from the capitalist world crisis deepening and the assault on workers’rights and peoples. The more one endeavours to decree the falling out of the crisis, reality persists in denying it.

The last UNCTAD report calls upon the eventuality of a new EU recession in 2011, enhancing the treat represented by the existent economic gap among the different EU countries. Before this vicious circle, Germany’s relative recovery is done at the cost of the “smaller ones”, notwithstanding the deepening of the stability risks of the whole capitalist EU’s building. At the same time, the IMF report says in a more optimistical mood, as revealed this week, the expected growth for the Triade’s vertex is incapable to hold back unemployment. For the UNCTAD, high unemployment, global unbalances and the exchange markets wars are among the factors which darken a sustainable global recovery.

The USA, which debt ratio on the GDP is 100%, carries on the sight navigation, injecting astronomical amounts of dollars, which nourish the financial speculation - as the Chinese Finance minister stated, if at the beginning of the crisis there were 9 million thousand dollars of “hot money”at loose round the world, currently that amount reaches the 10 million thousand (in Asia Times,12.11.10).

An unsustainable situation, before which all the most severe risk scenarios are possible. From war unto the return of the iron-hand power, tout court. One ought to be aware of the signals, such as the fateful Duvalier’s return, in Haiti. Or the repeated treats against Lebanon and Iran’s sovereignty. Or the anti-communism à la carte. One must be vigilant, together with perseverence and confidence, to which the answer to the workers and peoples struggle will prevail .

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