Speech by Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the Portuguese Communist Party

Statement on the Results of the Local Electtions

1. The CDU greets the thousands of candidates, activists and members of the PCP, the PEV, the ID, the CDU Youth and independents who, through their generous dedication, and with their irreplaceable activity, have contributed to enhance the work, and assert the project, programmes and candidacies which have confirmed the CDU as a major national force, the great left-wing force in local government.

The CDU greets all those who have given us their support and their vote, and reaffirms to them our staunchest commitment to ensure, as of now, through the activity of the many thousands of elected CDU members, an active work and dedication to build a better life and for the progress and development of their parishes and municipalities.

2. The sizeable vote that was achieved – our result for the Municipal Assemblies will be approximately 11% and many of our majority positions will be confirmed – gives continuity to a solid and sustained growth of the CDU, that bears witness to the broad current of support and confidence of a growing number of Portuguese men and women. In this context, we must stress the strengthening of our positions in the entire Setubal peninsula – which confirms the CDU as the majority force in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area – and the victory in new municipalities, namely Alvito, Crato and Alpiarça.

The CDU must also highlight the important results scored in the cities of Lisbon and Oporto, which are all the more significant as they were built in the midst of an overwhelming media campaign that sought to artificially bipolarize and to belittle the CDU.

The loss of the majority position in six municipalities – in a context where, throughout the years, majorities are won and lost in each local government election – cannot be separated, among other reasons, from the proximity of these local elections to the general elections that were held just two weeks ago, and which did not allow the value of the CDU's work in local government and the merit with which it is widspreadly credited, to fully assert itself in these circumstances.

3. The CDU underlines that its overall result is all the more noteworthy as it was obtained within the context of a persistent and intense campaign that attempted to diminish the CDU and which, although predating the recent general elections, registered new developments in the past two weeks.

In assessing these results, in particularly where we had majority votes, it must be noted that there was a concentration of right-wing votes on the Socialist Party, which was seen by them as the best placed force to oppose the CDU's influence. A reality that was well reflected in the fact that in some municipalities where we obtained over 40% of the vote, we were not able to win a plurality of the vote.

4. The CDU reaffirms it conviction that each position that was now won, each of the over three thousand mandates achieved by the CDU will represent yet another element of work, of participation and full commitment to defending the communities' interests, to promoting the local living conditions and fighting to build a better life.

Now that the elections are over, the CDU reaffirms to the Portuguese workers and people its determined commitment to open the way for a path of change and for a break that can ensure a country of social justice and progress. A commitment that will be materialized as of tomorrow, in the struggle to advance the proposals that can ensure an improvement in wages and pensions, respect for working people's rights, stronger social protection, beginning with unemployment benefits.

5. The results that were obtained by the CDU, and above all the current of support for our proposals and activity, the noticeable participation of young people and independents which make this coalition an arena of convergence, are a solid element of confidence for the forthcoming political and electoral battles that we will continue to wage for a better life in this country's municipalities and parishes and for a more just, equal and sovereign Portugal.