Statement PCP Central Committee

Statement of the PCP Central Committee of May 27th, 2014

The Central Committee of the PCP met on May 27, 2014, and assessed the results of the elections for the European Parliament as well as their political consequences; assessed the most relevant aspects of the country's economic and social situation and the consequences of the Troika's policies, the campaign of mystification surrounding the so-called “clean exit” and the new developments in the government's political offensive; assessed the workers' struggle and its prospects; defined the Party's main lines of work, regarding political initiatives, the struggle to materialize an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy, and the strengthening of the [Party] organization.

I – The people's strength for a Portugal with a future

Successive years of right-wing policies, and in particular their acute intensification, within the framework of the worsening structural crisis of capitalism, as expressed in the so-called PECs [Stability and Growth Programmes] of the PS [Socialist Party] governments and, in the past three years with the PSD/CDS-PP government, under the pretext of the Aggression Pact that these three parties signed with the foreign Troika, have led Portugal to a situation of social regression, economic shrinkage and foreign dependence, that are unparalleled in the past four decades. This course of enhanced exploitation and impoverishment is inseparable from the ever more profound process of capitalist European integration; from the country's submission to the directorate of powers that implements the interests of transnational big capital and to the Euro. It is necessary to break with these policies, with the domination by big capital and with national subordination. It is necessary to assert an alternative that can build a patriotic and left-wing policy that ensures the country's sovereign development and materializes the rights and values which the April Revolution inscribed in Portugal's future.

II – A noteworthy electoral advance for the CDU

The May 25 elections for the European Parliament have confirmed an important electoral result for the CDU [coalition] and the political and social isolation of the PSD/CDS-PP government of [Prime Minister and head of the PSD] Passos Coelho and [head of the CDS-PP party] Paulo Portas. The most relevant contribution to this result was given by the struggle of the workers and of the Portuguese people, and by the coherent and decisive contribution of the PCP and of its allies within CDU.

The increase in the electoral expression and influence of the CDU – which grew from 10.7% to 12.7% of the votes – and won over 35 thousand additional votes, totalling more than 415 thousand votes, as well as the growth in the number of mandates, with the election of a third MEP (all the more noteworthy as it was achieved within the framework of a decrease in the total number of Portuguese MEPs) is one of the most significant electoral successes of the CDU for the European Parliament, and the biggest in the past 25 years. It is a factor of confidence in asserting, not just the need, but also the possibility of, with a stronger CDU, opening the path to an alternative, patriotic and left-wing alternative, that may break with the right-wing policies which the PS, PSD and CDS-PP have imposed upon the country for decades. It confirms the CDU as an indispensable force for a true alternative.

The CDU's result is, first and foremost, the victory of confidence and hope over resignation and fatalism, a victory of truth over falsehoods, a clear confirmation of the people's will and of its strength to take into its own hands the edification of a better and more dignified future.

It is a result that confirms electoral advances in successive elections, and is also the expression of the CDU's contribution, both through its votes and also through its campaign of clarification and mobilization, to the heavy defeat of the Government parties, PSD and CDS-PP. In these elections, they scored their lowest ever vote in any election (27.7%).
The Central Committee also underlines the significance of the condemnation of the Troikas' policies. A condemnation which was expressed in the fall in electoral influence of the three parties – PS, PSD and CDS-PP – which signed, supported and seek to carry on the course of exploitation and impoverishment. Overall, they saw their share of the vote drop, from 66.6% in 2009 to 59.1% now, a loss of over 400 thousand votes.

Within the framework of a significant loss of votes for the Left Block (which dropped from 10.7% to 4.5%, with a loss of two MEPs), the Central Committee also underlines that the result obtained by Marinho Pinto, on behalf of the MPT [Earth Party Movement] is inseparable from the scope of populist viewpoints within Portuguese society and the promotion which they receive from some mass media which, by and large, whitewashed what has essentially been his support for the policies that brought the country to its current situation.

The high level of abstentions (over 66%), similar to what was registered in previous elections [for the European Parliament], cannot be separated from what for many is a display of resignation in the face of the enormous difficulties which the right-wing policies have imposed or a disbelief that is rooted in the frustration resulting from having voted for forces that, countering their false promises, used those votes to worsen their living standards. With the authority that results from having fought against such attitudes, the PCP wishes to convey words of hope to all those who believe, and must continue to believe, that the real possibility for overcoming the current difficulties lies in their will and determination.

The Central Committee denounces the maneouvres of those who, invoking the high abstention rates, overvaluing the results of candidates that were promoted in these elections, or invoking the PS' limited results, seek to erase the overwhelming defeat of the PSD/CDS-PP coalition and diminish the significance and scale of the CDU's result.

The Central Committee greets the many thousands of Portuguese who, with their vote, contributed decisively to the important electoral strengthening of the CDU. To all those who have, as in previous occasions, trusted their vote to the CDU, to all those who for the first time (including many thousands of young people) took the step of transforming their support and recognition for the path of seriousness and coherence into a vote, we reaffirm our commitment of all times: we will be true to our word, we will act in defense of the workers and the people, of their rights and aspirations.

The results that were achieved allow the CDU to have a stronger voice in the European Parliament, to strengthen the defense of the interests of the people and of the country, against the impositions by big capital, by the big powers and the European Union.
The Central Committee also wishes to greet in particular the many thousands of CDU activists – Communists, ecologists and independents – who, side by side, with the candidates, built a campaign of clarification and mobilization that was, not just the decisive factor for the CDU's result, but also expanded the awareness of the workers and the people regarding the reasons, and those who are responsible, for the country's situation, the constraints imposed upon the country's sovereign development by the capitalist process of integration, the urgent need to defeat this government and the indispensable break with the right-wing policies.

III – Denouncing the offensive and the mystifications

1. The proclaimed end to the so-called “financial assistance programme” is the biggest of the many lies that have accompanied the imposition of a true Pact of Aggression upon the workers and the people, which brutally worsened the living standards of the people and which jeopardized the country's development. There is no exit, and much a less a “clean exit” from the situation of exploitation, impoverishment and national capitulation which has been imposed under the mantle of the agreement that was signed with the Troika. The irrefutable truth is that the government is preparing, with the complicity of the PS, to replace the so-called “programme of financial assistance” when it formally comes to an end, with some other instrument that will perpetuate these policies that prevent Portugal's sovereign development.

2. Once again, and for the worse reasons, reality has proved the PCP right. Three years after, what at the time we warned against – a programme designed to ensure a millionaire programme of assistance and guarantees for the bankers and monoplists, at the expense of greater exploitation and the sinking of the country – has had a bitter confirmation. Over 670 thousand unemployed, 470 thousand jobs destroyed, 600 thousand Portuguese thrown into poverty (raising their total number to almost three million), a recession exceeding 6% [of GDP], which has no parallel since World War II, over 200 thousand Portuguese doomed to a forced emigration, almost 100 thousand companies destroyed, a more indebted country with an unsustainable debt service, the handing over to big (mostly foreign) capital of strategic companies and sectors which are indispensable for the country's development; the destruction of public services and of the social functions of the State – this is the balance sheet of the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 in which the PSD/CDS-PP government of Passos Coelho and Paulo Portas find reasons to state their satisfaction with the mission they have accomplished.

It is a balance sheet that is inseparable from the right-wing policies and in particular with what has united the PS, PSD and CDS-PP, first through the PECs for which the PS government was responsible, and then with the Pact of Aggression.

These are policies which, as the PCP warned, represented a true coup against the democratic regime, against the Portuguese people's sovereignty of decision and against national independence, in a systematic confrontation with the Constitution of the Republic and counting upon the active complicity of the President of the Republic. The reiterated actions by a government and by policies which are outside the law has challenged, not just the regular functioning of the institutions, as it has highlighted their incompatibility with the Constitutional regime.

3. Contrary to what all the propaganda would have us believe, there has been no exit, and much less a “clean exit” from the economic and social abyss into which the country has been plunged.

What the promoters of the Troika's policies wish to pursue is the agenda of greater exploitation and plunder of the resources of the people and the country. The presentation of the so-called “medium-term strategy” which the Government meeting of May 17 adopted, in an operation of propaganda and vassalage to the international speculators, is proof of this. It is a strategy based on the Document of Budgetary Strategy and the Guidelines for the Reform of the State which means more cuts in wages and pensions, turning what was temporary and exceptional into definitive and ordinary, imposing more taxes on the workers and the people (examples of which are the hikes in the TSU and VAT), greater reductions in healthcare, education and social protection, within the framework of an economic growth that is at best residual, with an unbearable rate of unemployment and in which the big economic groups continue to reap greater privileges, assistance and tax benefits.

The proposed review of the Labour Code, which seeks to destroy collective bargaining and the guarantees of workers' rights and income that results from it, to destroy the labour legislation for public employees and the proposed so-called “tax benefits for investments”, which are no more than a new and millionaire package of tax benefits for big business, bear witness to the government's goal of stepping up the policies of exploitation and impoverishment and worsening injustice. What the government and the parties of the domestic troika are planning, with the complicit support of the President of the Republic, is to continue the process of exploitation and impoverishment of the country and of the Portuguese people, for the benefit of speculators and big transnational capital, and to tie Portugal, under the pretext of the so-called budgetary consolidation which they preach, to a regime of parole, supervised by the speculators and big capital.

4. The PCP's Central Committee underlines and exposes the farce of the so-called “clean exit”, when the trail of economic and social devastation is not just obviously disproving such statements and when what is being planned is the continuation of a process that seeks to make millions of Portuguese pay for what big capital wishes to continue reaping, through their speculation surrounding the country, in particular its public debt and the plunder of its resources and of the wealth that is produced.

What is being prepared, under the guise of this false exit are the conditions and the instruments to keep Portugal tied to the straitjacket of the deficit and the debt and subject to the dictatorship of what they now call “the markets”. In the recent past through the PECs and the Pact of Aggression that was signed by the domestic and foreign Troikas; in the future through the Fiscal Compact, the insistence upon the policies that underpin the Euro and which were enshrined in previous Treaties which PSD, CDS-PP and PS voted for, support and wish to use in order to perpetuate the same policies.

This is a Treaty which was imposed by the Franco-German axis on behalf of the interests of European big capital and which seeks to institutionalize neo-liberalism as the sole policy of the European Union. It is overtly an instrument that will give continuity to the goal of extorting the peoples, enhancing exploitation and destroying rights, and which the furthering of capitalist integration within the European Union seeks to ensure.

At the same time, the PCP, just as did before Portugal's entry into the EEC, just as it did before we joined the Euro, just as it did when the Aggression pact was signed, also nows warns against the ongoing federalist goals and illusions which will not alleviate, but much to the contrary, will further stifle the country.

The recent announcement of yet another increase in public debt at the end of the first quarter of 2014 (which has now reached 132.4% of GDP) and in particular the return of new falls in GDP in this quarter (a chain drop of 0.7%) belie the fireworks of a proclaimed “economic miracle” and confirm that the present course can only lead to economic and social disaster.

5. There is not, and there cannot be, any way out unless the Fiscal Compact is repudiated, as well as its impositions that expropriate budgetary powers from member-States; unless there is a rejection of previous instruments and Treaties, of the domination of the Euro and of the powers that hegemonize the capitalist integration of the European Union.

The PCP's Central Committee reaffirms that the only way out for the country's problems lies in ensuring a sovereign and independent development, in the interests of the workers and the people, which is inseparable from the materialization of a patriotic and left-wing alternative that ensures a better life, the values of April and a Portugal with a future.

IV. Defeating the government and right-wing policies, materializing a patriotic and left-wing alternative

1. It is necessary to put an end to a government and to policies which, violating the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, counter the interests of the people and of the country, jeopardize the future of Portugal.

The PCP's Central Committee, confronting the consequences of the right-wing policies, the goal of the PSD/CDS-PP government of intensifying the current course of exploitation, impoverishment and national disaster, considers that it is of the utmost importance that the government be ousted and early elections be convened in order to free the country, as soon as possible, from this government and these policies and in order to bring to an end its systematic violation of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

It is with this in mind that, making use of the existing institutional instruments, the PCP has decided to present a motion of censure to the government. It censures a policy and a practice of permanent confrontation with the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, of violation of the law and which jeopardizes the normal functioning of the institutions.

It is also a motion of censure that condemns the policies of the Troika and the maneouvres to perpetuate, now through the Fiscal Compact which PS, PSD and CDS-PP have imposed and support, the same course of exploitation, impoverishment and dependence.

It is a motion that is all the more relevant and urgent as the past few days have seen much new data which, belying all the propaganda about an economic miracle and a “clean exit”, confirms the course of economic disaster (indebtedness, budget deficits, exports) and at a time when the government is getting ready to, in a “leap forward”, unleash a new wave of assaults against wages and rights, as is confirmed by the Document on Budgetary Strategy.

The scale of the defeat of the PSD and CDS-PP – parties which had their lowest ever share of the vote – is unquestionably a clear censure by the Portuguese people and an unequivocal national demand for the ousting of the current government and the dissolution of the Assembly of the Republic [Parliament]. There is no protecting hand of Cavaco Silva [President of the Republic] that can give this government legitimacy or political credibility. The overwhelming political condemnation which has now been served demands that the President of the Republic, regardless of the scale of his commitment to the course of national disaster, convenes early elections as the only dignified and democratic way out, which the country's situation demands.

2. The current situation and the future of the country demand a break with the right-wing policies and the materialization of a patriotic and left-wing alternative, an assertion of democracy and sovereignty which can project, consolidate and carry forth the values of April in the future of Portugal.

The situation increasingly highlights the need and the urgency of a policy which, asserting the interests of the people and of the country and the sovereign decision of the Portuguese people, will be based on six indispensable fundamental options:

- rejection of foreign impositions and the renegotiation of the debt in its amounts, interests rates, terms and payment conditions ,rejecting its illegitimate part, with an immediate assumption of a negotiated or unilateral moratorium and a cut in the debt service to a level compatible with the economic growth and improvement of living conditions;

- defence, diversification and increase of domestic production, recovering to the State the financial sector and other strategic sectors and companies essential to support the economy, increase of public investment and promotion of internal demand;
effective valorisation of wages and pensions and an explicit pledge to restore stolen wages, incomes and rights, including social benefits;

- option for a budgetary policy to combat unnecessary expenditure, sumptuary expenditure, based on a fiscal feature of higher taxes on dividends and profits of big business and relief on the workers and micro, small and medium-size companies, ensuring the necessary funds for the efficient functioning of the State and for public investment;

- a policy of defence and restoration of public services, particularly the social functions of the State (health, education and social security), strengthening human and material resources, as an essential factor to materialise the rights of the people and the development of the country;

- assumption of a sovereign policy and the assertion of the primacy of national interests in the relations with the European Union, diversifying economic and financial relations and adopting measures to prepare the country to face an exit from the Euro, either by the decision of the Portuguese people, or due to developments in the European Union crisis.

The patriotic and left-wing alternative, based on an alternative policy and the demand of a rupture with the right-wing policy, has as decisive elements the development and intensification of the struggle of the workers and the people, the convergence of democrats and patriots and strengthening of the PCP and its allies.

3. The Central Committee points out the need to develop and strengthen action aiming a rupture with the right-wing policy and encourage a strong and broad movement for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, with a policy and government to give it expression. In this context, the Central Committee has decided to undertake a programme of actions and initiatives:

• hold an action to explain and mobilise, which includes the march this coming May 29th. in downtown Lisbon, the initiatives of contact with the workers and population all over the country on the 30th and rallies on 31st. May in Oeiras and June 1st. in Almada;

• the action on wage increases, including the national minimum wage, earmarking the 40 years of its establishment, and which will be expressed in the May 29th. Edition of Avante! and in the debate on the draft resolution of the Parliamentary Group of the PCP on the immediate increase of the National Minimum Wage to 515 euros (in the process of a gradual increase to 600 euros) already scheduled for next June 6th;

• promotion of actions of resistance and combat against the ongoing offensive , particularly in denouncing the aims of the Fiscal Strategy Document ( DEO ) and the so-called " State Reform " , to combat the changes in labour legislation, be it the Labour Code or the " Labour Law in Public Administration " , to defend public services , namely against the degradation and destruction underway of the National Health Service, Public Schools, Social Security , courts threatened by disqualification and closure, affirming the need for a renegotiation of the debt and further discussion and initiative on the euro and how to free the country from the domination it suffers, against poverty and its causes, and against the privatisation of companies and services ;

• promotion of initiatives of intervention in the European Parliament, in particular with the aim of ending the adjustment programs and other mechanisms of interference like the Budgetary Treaty, the European Semester, Economic Governance, Banking Union, advocating the immediate renegotiation of public debts - in their terms, interest rates and amounts and creating an emergency plan to support the economies of countries subject to the troika, fighting for an in-depth change of the CAP and the Common Fisheries Policy , ensuring the defence of national production , intensifying the fight against the neoliberal, militaristic and federalist pillars of the EU .

• promotion under the theme "Dialogue and Action for a patriotic and left-wing alternative " of sessions and meetings to debate with the democrats and patriots who want to discuss with the PCP the country's situation and the alternative, part of which are those already scheduled on June 17th. in Lisbon and June 19th. in Oporto;

• materialisation of a cycle of debates in the scope of the celebration of 40 years of 25th. April under the theme "The Values ​​ of April in the future of Portugal" which, after the completion of the debate on the Constitution of the Republic, includes debates on local government, in June, in Setúbal, and the public scrutiny of strategic companies and sectors, in July in Oporto;

• foster the development and intensification of unitary political work for the convergence of democrats and patriots on the rupture with the right-wing policy and a genuine political alternative.

V - Intensify the struggle of the workers and the people

The Central Committee salutes the Portuguese workers and people for the dimension, diversity and intensity of their fight in recent months, an expression of determination and strength, a decisive factor in national life.

Noteworthy is the demonstration of the working youth promoted by CGTP and Interjovem on March 28, the great national action of the farmers called by CNA - National Confederation of Agriculture, which gathered thousands of farmers in Lisbon on April 3, the National March of Indignation and Protest called by MURPI - National Confederation of Pensioners and Retirees and Elderly, which gathered many thousands of retirees and pensioners in various parts of the country, in its greatest action ever.

The celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the April Revolution, still underway, already represent a grandiose popular mobilisation inseparable from the depth of its achievements, reflecting the indignation and protest of the Portuguese people against the ongoing offensive, expresses the demand to fulfil April and is a vibrant assertion of the values ​​of April, whose current affirmation and projection into the future of Portugal became stronger.

The demonstrations of May 1st. promoted by CGTP across the country represented, in these 40 years from the 1974 May 1st , a powerful action of struggle of workers in defence of their class interests , against the policy of exploitation and impoverishment , for the resignation of the government and a rupture with the right-wing policy.

The last few months were also marked by an intense claim struggle by workers from various sectors and companies, against cuts and for wage increases, against deregulation and increased working hours, against casual labour, for the defence of the rights set down in collective bargaining, in defence of jobs, against privatisation.

Among many others, we have to highlight the struggles of workers in the Public Administration and , in particular , the workers of Local Government, bus passenger transport , railway workers , hospitality workers , EGF especially Valorsul and Amarsul , Dura , Panasqueira mines , Renault Cacia , Exide , Visteon , Kemet , the Cel -Cat , Alstom, Acciona , Siderurgia steelworks , Kalhrein Automotive , Vitrohm , EDA , Sakty , ECCO , Soporcel , Parmalat . Also noteworthy were the struggles of the people in defence of their rights.
In view of a violent offensive action and facing an intense conditioning, the struggles of the workers and the people contributed to delay and limit the offensive, achieve concrete results and covered a wide range, combativity and dimension.

The Central Committee calls for the development of the struggle of the workers and the people in defence of their interests, intensifying and broadening the struggle and promoting its convergence to demand the resignation of the PSD / CDS – PP government and a rupture with the right-wing policy and a broad mobilisation for the action of struggle called by CGTP-IN, with great demonstrations on June 14th. in Oporto and June 21st. in Lisbon.

VI - Aspects of the international situation and in the European Union

1. The Central Committee examined the results of the elections to the European Parliament, in the countries of the European Union, and considers that they broadly confirm the growing rejection by the workers and peoples of the attacks on their labour and social rights, violation of national sovereignty and the degradation of democracy and a growing opposition to the European Union and its neoliberal, militarist and federalist pillars.

The results highlight the discredit of guidelines and policies that characterise the process of capitalist European integration, namely the electoral fall of currents and parties responsible for the policies and guidelines of the EU. Abstentions reached one of the highest levels ever (56.91 %). Without ignoring the danger of a resurgence of fascism inherent in the strengthening of far right parties in some countries, the PCP denounces the boost and projection given to these parties, inseparable from the efforts to evade the responsibilities of social democracy and the right, while hampering the growth of the communist parties and other progressive forces that actually advocate a real alternative and who in the different ways are conditioned in their activity.

2. Valorising the strengthening of the voting of several parties that constitute the European United Left / Nordic Green Left (GUE / NGL) Group, to which the PCP belongs (which altogether increased their representation), the Central Committee reiterates PCP's commitment to contribute to the maintenance of the Confederal nature of the Group so that it he can project an alternative to the European Union of big business and the major powers, i.e., a Europe of workers and peoples.

It was in this sense that the PCP and other parties took the initiative to promote a "Joint Appeal" where 20 parties who subscribed it - communists, progressive and the left-wing - despite their diversity - agreed to cooperate to reject the course imposed by the European Union and to work for a Europe of peace and social progress, equality and cooperation.

3 .In the context of a deepening of the structural crisis of capitalism and the sharpening of inter - imperialist contradictions , the evolution of the situation in the Ukraine is one of the latest episodes of US, European Union and NATO interference, which led to the fascist coup last February and is leading the country into a civil war. The Central Committee strongly condemns the crimes committed, namely the bloody assault on the Trade Union House in Odessa, as well as the demand to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine, expressing its solidarity with the CPU and all antifascist forces who, with the masses rise up against the oligarchy and the reactionary power.

The Central Committee of the PCP considers that traits of great instability and insecurity remain at the global level. Imperialism, notably the US, does not abandon its hegemonic intentions and aims to seize strategic resources, intervening to this end in countries where States and peoples assert their sovereignty and national dignity. It is so in Syria, Venezuela, Palestine and elsewhere in the w remain orld.

4. The Central Committee appreciates the struggles of the working class and the popular masses that have been held throughout the world, and had particular expression in the demonstrations that marked May 1st. on all continents.

The anti-imperialist struggle, for peace and against the danger of the rise of fascism, places before the communist and revolutionary movement and the anti-imperialist front the need to strengthen cooperation. It was with this objective that the PCP last month held an intense activity, with visits to Venezuela and Ecuador; Cyprus, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Italy and Sweden.

VII - Strengthen the organization and dynamize the intervention of the Party

1 . The Central Committee salutes the members of the Party for their militancy which in recent months ensured a remarkable intervention of the Party , articulating political initiative , stimulating the development of mass struggle with the action at the electoral and institutional level and the strengthening of the Party and the affirmation of its ideal and project.
The Central Committee salutes the JCP and its militants for the success of the X Congress held on April 5 and 6 under the slogan "Forward with April - organise, fight, change."

The Party in the materialisation of its political action for a rupture with the right-wing policy and for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, joined the political and institutional intervention with the stimulus for the development of mass struggle , made ​​a decisive contribution based on its own activities and intervention in other initiatives for the success of the celebrations of the 40th. Anniversary of the April Revolution, fought the important battle of the elections, f or the European Parliament together with its allies in CDU and advanced in the implementation of actions to strengthen the party.

2. Within the framework of tasks, guidelines and priority actions in the near future, this includes the preparation of the 38th. edition of Avante! to be held on5, 6 and 7 September, the Central Committee stresses the need to involve the stimulation of intervention and political initiatives and the development of mass struggle and pay special attention to the strengthening of organizations and united mass movements and strengthening of the Party.

3. The Central Committee points the need to continue and move into a new phase of implementation the Resolution "More organization, more intervention, more influence - a stronger PCP", in its various aspects.

The action of contact with Party members to increase militancy , hand the new Party membership card and update data , underway since March , confirmed as of major importance the overall strengthening of the Party , whose implementation implies new measures for streamlining , programming , scheduling and accountability of comrades for the contact and its maximum utilization for the strengthening of the Party .

Recruitment and measures to strengthen the organization and intervention with the working class and workers in companies and workplaces in the framework of the implementation of integrated efforts to strengthen the Party also deserve importance. Together with an increased capacity of leadership and accountability of cadres, boosting local organisations, structuring and improving the functioning of the organisation, having always present to give more strength to mass struggle and political intervention, reinforcement of means of action and intervention regarding the party press , information and propaganda and action to defend and strengthen the financial independence of the Party .

4 . In a very demanding situation the PCP assumes , with determination and confidence , its role in defence of the interests of workers, the people and the country and reaffirms its commitment to fight for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, for an advanced democracy – The values of April in the future of Portugal , with the horizon of socialism and communism.

  • Central
  • European Union
  • Nato
  • Syria
  • Ukraine
  • Venezuela
  • War