The PCP Central Committee met on 14 December 2014, having analysed Portugal's situation as well as aspects of the international situation. It examined developments in the mass struggle and in the work to bring about a break with right-wing policies and to build a patriotic and left-wing alternative. The Central Committee outlined preparations for the 2015 parliamentary election, as well as to continue strengthening and asserting the Party.
I – Protect workers, the people and the nation, ensure sovereign development
Besides the continually deteriorating social and economic situation as a result of policies imposed on Portugal by successive PS, PSD and CDS governments, there is also a gradual deterioration of politics. This situation is due to right-wing policies and their role in the process that led to economic and financial conglomerates' domination over Portugal's affairs as well as the intertwinement between these conglomerates and the political parties that have been in government for the past 38 years.
The adoption of the 2015 State Budget has confirmed and consolidated the policies to exploit and impoverish workers and the people, exacerbate social injustice and inequality, and gradually deny or liquidate constitutionally enshrined rights. This Budget belies the propaganda according to which “the troika has gone”, and seeks to perpetuate policies based on submission to the European Union and on favouring monopoly conglomerates. It places the task of defeating the government and breaking with right-wing policies as an even more urgent item on our agenda.
The recent revelations about many cases involving malicious management, economic crimes, capital flight, money laundering and corruption are the latest and most media-publicised examples of how Portugal's political life has developed and of how economic powers dominate over political powers.
To stand up for the Constitution and defend the democratic regime against subversion requires an urgent break with right-wing policies, and the implementation of patriotic and left-wing policies, where the rights of Portugal, its workers and its people prevail over the interests of big capital, where truth and righteousness are the norm, where Portugal's inalienable right to sovereign and independent development is enforced.
II – Portugal's deterioration is the outcome of right-wing policies and of monopoly capital's rule
1. The PCP Central Committee calls attention to the deterioration of Portugal's economic and social situation, and alerts to the foreseeable consequences of the 2015 State Budget – a tool for further exploitation and impoverishment policies, for further economic decline and social retrogression. Contrary to all the propaganda being put out by the government and the parliamentary majority, the 2015 State Budget actually exacerbates inequalities, continues to strip Portugal's workers and people of their incomes, jeopardises the rights to health care, education and social security. It protects and favours concentration of wealth and accumulation of profits.
2. The insistence on shackling Portugal to an unsustainable debt and on submission to European Union dictates and the single currency serve only to worsen the situation and to jeopardise economic growth and social progress. This is obvious if we look at the evolution of macro-economic indicators – both those put out by the OECD, and those in the INE's (National Statistics Institute) 3rd Quarter “quick estimate” predict GDP growth lower than that previously announced for 2014 and 2015. It is also obvious when observing economic reality on the ground, with thousands of small and medium businesses finding it increasingly hard to survive.
For society, this policy has led to growing poverty, including child poverty, and to sustained unbearable levels of unemployment (this is a fact, no matter how much statistical manipulation is brought to bear). All of this is made worse by persistent long-term unemployment together with continuously dwindling social protection for those affected.
The PCP Central Committee denounces the liquidation of jobs being undertaken by the government, with the upcoming cut of thousands of jobs in Public Administration (examples are the recent suppression of 700 jobs in Social Security and of some 250 jobs in the Army Factories) using either the so-called “requalification” or “friendly departure” processes or by “access testing” as has been done to teachers.
3. The announced privatisation of [national airline] TAP – as well as handing over Lisbon and Oporto public transportation to private interests – is a crime against national interests and a new hard blow against Portugal's sovereignty. The same can be said of the offensive against the national railways. The government has made up fake excuses, alleging that it is forbidden to have the State capitalise them – something that is possible according to national laws, and also according to the European treaties. But the PCP Central Committee calls attention to the fact that (similarly to other strategic companies, like PT – Portugal Telecom) privatising TAP – whether the 66% approved by the government or the 49% proposed by the Socialist Party PS – will later lead to the liquidation of this strategic asset.
4. The recently disclosed “Golden Visas” [corruption, money laundering and embezzlement] case, as well as the [corruption and money laundering] case involving former prime-minister Jose Socrates – at a time when Portugal is still reeling from the BES/GES [bank] case – are yet two more episodes in the list of cases that are unfolding in Portugal. The PCP Central Committee calls attention to the fact that the proliferation of illicit and harmful activities are closely linked to the type of right-wing policies being implemented, and to the domination of big capital over Portugal's affairs. The Central Committee further alerts to the manoeuvres that are underway to discredit the judicial system, condition its operation, and nurture anti-democratic concepts.
The depth and breadth of the “golden visas” case – the ex-libris of [former foreign minister and current deputy prime minister] Paulo Portas's and the current government's economic diplomacy – involves very high-ranking officials in the State apparatus and connections with members of the government and of the PSD party, and has also led to the Internal Administration [i.e. Interior] Minister's resignation. These are instances of what the PCP foresaw and alerted to when the “golden visas” were created: that with the excuse of attracting investments, these schemes were mostly designed to attract and favour corruption and money laundering.
The PCP Central Committee denounces the falsehoods contained in the successive statements that have been put out by the government and other dominant government circles, concerning an alleged commitment to fight fraud and corruption. As events have shown, both corruption and tax evasion are to a great extent based not on breaches of the law, but rather on the legislation produced by the creators of right-wing policies, who produce laws that cover up, encourage and grant impunity to these practices.
5. The PCP Central Committee further alerts to the repeated abuses against the law on strikes, to the growing interference into the autonomy of local government bodies, as well as to the actions that strike at the RTP's [national TV] independence and seek to make it increasingly submissive to the government as well as to favour the privately-owned TV stations.
6. Developments in the political-party scene and in the line-up of political forces are confirming the PCP's warnings about machinations that – implicitly or explicitly – seek to favour situations that would make it possible to continue with right-wing policies, at a time when the current government's and parliamentary majority's social and political defeat is imminent.
Currently the PS is not distancing itself from the basic tenets of the PEC [“Stability and Growth Pact”] and of the Aggression Pact [the pact with the troika]. It is actually insisting on their continuation, on submission to the European Union and its tools of economic management (such as the Budget Treaty), on refusing to renegotiate the debt to favour Portugal's interests, on maintaining the key aspects of tax and incomes policies, on privatising. It must be stressed that it is this unchanged stance and refusal to break with right-wing policies that is the real obstacle to a meaningful convergence toward a political alternative – one that can respond to the problems of Portugal, its workers and its people.
It is against this backdrop that we should view the manoeuvres of some circles that, while alleging to stand to the left of the PS, are actually seeking to whitewash the PS and create room for it to not clarify – beyond the rhetoric proclaimed at its Congress – what its real intentions are, or whether its real political programme is to provide continuity to right-wing policies.
7. In the current situation – marked by the consequences of the PSD/CDS government's right-wing policies, with the complicity of the President of the Republic – it is becoming more and more urgent to break with right-wing policies and to build alternative patriotic and left-wing policies. This process requires development of mass struggles, a convergence among democrats and patriots, and a strengthened PCP.
III – Breaking with right-wing policies, building a patriotic and left-wing alternative
1. The Central Committee reasserts the PCP's full engagement in building a true convergence of political forces, social organisations, diverse groupings and circles, democrats and patriots – all truly engaged in breaking with Portugal's current course, and in adopting patriotic and left-wing policies based on the April [1974 revolution's] values, capable of ensuring social progress, economic development and sovereignty for our country.
2. The implementation of a political alternative to the disastrous path onto which Portugal has been led requires setting out a path to achieve this alternative – in particular, a clear commitment to breaking with right-wing policies.
To all of Portugal's people, to those who work in mass organisations and movements, to all anti-monopolist social circles, to all democrats and patriots, to all independents who want to place Portugal on another path, the PCP reasserts its availability to together examine the key elements that are essential to building a patriotic and left-wing alternative, based on the Constitution of the Republic and on the April [revolution's] values and ideals.
It is necessary that each force, each steadfast democrat and patriot, state clearly and unequivocally what they think and what are their proposals to make it possible to break with right-wing and build alternative policies and a political alternative.
3. The proposal of patriotic and left-wing policies that the PCP is putting forward contains key elements toward implementing the alternative that Portugal so urgently needs.
It is based on: Renegotiating the debt, in terms of amount, interest rates and payment period. Promoting and enhancing the value of domestic produce. Reinstating public control over strategic branches and companies, especially in the financial sector. Improving workers' and people's salaries, pensions and other incomes. Protecting public services and the State's social functions, in particular the rights to access education, health and social protection. A fiscal policy that will lighten the burden on the incomes of working people and of micro, small and medium businesses and heavily tax the incomes and properties of big capital, as well as profits and financial speculation. Reject submission to Euro currency and European Union orders, and reinstate Portugal's economic, budgetary and monetary sovereignty.
4. The Central Committee stresses how important is to continue and enhance political work around these proposals, and reasserts that the PCP will always contribute with its determination toward building a truly patriotic and left-wing political alternative. For this, a crucial and essential condition is a stronger PCP.
The Central Committee stresses that the PCP is ready to shoulder any responsibility that the Portuguese people may choose to entrust to it – in the struggle against right-wing policies, in building a patriotic and left-wing alternative, or in Portugal's government, implementing new policies, serving the workers and the people, working for a future for Portugal with freedom, development, social progress and sovereignty.
5. As part of a drive toward the alternative and for alternative policies, the Central committee has decided to convene – on 28 February 2015 – a PCP National Meeting to examine the economic and social situation, to assess the policies and those who are ultimately responsible for the problems Portugal is facing, as well as to identify the main constraints that are hindering Portugal's development, and the ways and means to make a break with right-wing policies as a necessary step toward asserting alternative policies and the road toward their implementation.
In convening the National Meeting “No to national decline. Solutions for Portugal”, the PCP is reasserting its belief that to break with right-wing policies and assert and implement a patriotic and left-wing alternative – one that will enable Portugal to overcome the current decline – it is essential to overcome the constraints that to a great extent have caused the existing backwardness and degradation, and are currently barriers to economic and social recovery by impeding Portugal's sovereign development.
The PCP Central Committee calls upon all party organisations and members to make the event a time to elaborate on Portugal's real situation and the aspirations of its workers and people. It should be a time to bring the implementation of these aspirations to more and more people who are sincerely ready to engage in implementing policies that can confront Portugal's problems and ensure a future with development and sovereignty.
IV – The 2015 parliamentary election – an important moment to break with right-wing policies and empower a political alternative
1. The upcoming 2015 parliamentary election – to be held against the backdrop of a deteriorating economic, social and political situation – will be an important moment to express the struggle against the current government and its policies, and to open the road toward a patriotic and left-wing political alternative capable of confronting Portugal's major problems and challenges.
2. At a time when false solutions are being waved around – false solutions that can only lead to new letdowns and to greater disbelief and discouragement – the PCP very confidently reasserts that there is a solution to Portugal's problems, that there is enough strength among the workers and the people, among many democratic and patriotic segments of Portuguese society to – through their work, their convergence and their struggle – bring about a break with right-wing policies, break the alternation cycle [of political parties in government] that underlies these policies, and to provide the necessary support for alternative policies.
3. As the bearer of a project and of policies that are essential for Portugal, the PCP stands before Portugal's people as a party of national sovereignty and independence, a party of democratic convergence and unity. It is the party with polices of truth, to confront the lies and falsehood that has been turned into official policy. It is the Party whose honesty is widely recognised, the Party that proves that, in the current wave of corruption and illicit actions, not all parties are the same. It is the Party that opposes right-wing policies and presents to the nation a patriotic and left-wing alternative based on a programme that is necessary and essential, but also feasible and implementable, and is gaining growing support in Portuguese society.
4. The Central Committee stresses the importance of following up on the many encounters and meeting with political forces, social, economic and cultural organisations, and of contacting other democrats and patriots, specifically through our “Action and dialogue for patriotic and left-wing policies”. The PCP Central Committee has set as an immediate goal to promote events that can, in the early months of next year, involve the members of local governments, other candidates and activists who work for local governments as part of the [CDU] Democratic Unitary Coalition.
5. The PCP – with its past and its work – stands out as the key bearer of a project to bring about a break and a change in Portugal's life: Capable of ending decades of right-wing policies and opening up the road toward patriotic and left-wing policies, of confronting the crisis with courage and determination, of facing the challenges of the future and of upholding the interests of Portugal, its workers and its people.
V – Mass struggle as a decisive factor to defeat right-wing policies and to bring about an alternative that enshrines the values of the April 1974 revolution
1. The right-wing policies that serve the interests of big capital and worsen exploitation and impoverishment and deepen injustice and social inequalities are seriously affecting the rights and living conditions of workers and the people. In the face of such policies, an intense and broad struggle by workers from various classes and non-monopolistic social groups is developing. This struggle is a decisive factor of resistance, wearing down and isolating right-wing policies and those who implement them, while defending the rights and the improvement of living conditions and contributing to build a political alternative.
2. Among many other struggles that have taken place across the country, the Central Committee emphasizes the national demonstration by workers of Public Administration on 31 October, which was promoted by the Common Trade Union Front; the national day of action, outrage and struggle of 13 November and the March that took place between 21 and 25 November, organised by CGTP-IN. Other struggles by workers from a range of different sectors, companies and workplaces are also worth noting, namely the strike by workers in the public health sector on 24 October; the strikes by nurses; the strikes by judicial workers; the actions by workers of local administration, namely the national demonstration of 4 December; the actions by teachers, Social Security workers, PT (Portugal Telecom) workers; the strikes, stoppages and other actions by workers of the road transport sector, Metro, EMEF (rail maintenance company), CP (national rail company), CP Carga (rail cargo), Refer (rail infrastructure), STCP (Porto's public transport), SPDH (airport handling), Portway (airport handling), TAP (national airline), Soporcel (pulp and paper), Petrogal (oil refinery), metalworks, electric and electronic industry, automobile industry, textile, clothing and shoes industries, hotel and catering industry, retail, wholesale, large supermarkets and logistics.
3. Struggles that emerged in companies and on the shopfloor around workers' issues and demands, for wages increases and against pay cuts; to defend stable working hours, the reinstatement and gradual extension of reduced working hours from the 35-hour week; to demand that workers on precarious work contracts become permanent staff; to demand the enforcement of the rights enshrined in collective agreements.
Struggles that revealed a high level of unity, steadfastness and combativeness and that, by curbing the actions of the government and big capital, led to victories, namely as regards wage increases, the preservation and reinstatement of working hours and the fight against precarious employment.
4. The Central Committee stresses the importance of the struggles undertaken in various sectors of society, by small- and medium-sized farmers, with the Congress of the National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA); by women, with the Congress of the Democratic Movement of Women (MDM); by retired persons and pensioners; by disabled citizens, with the National Meeting of the Confederation of Disabled Persons Organizations (CNOD); by students in higher, basic and secondary education, in particular the demonstrations and initiatives in schools; by communities, in support of the social role of the State and of public services, namely in support of the national health service, State-run schools and courts.
5. The Central Committee calls on workers and the people to intensify their struggle, as it is a decisive and determining factor to face, contain and defeat the ongoing offensive; to defend and reinstate rights; to promote their demands, with a view to bringing about the resignation of the government and the defeat of its policies, a break with right-wing politics and the emergence of a patriotic, left-wing alternative that enshrines the values of the April 1974 Revolution.
VI – The struggle of peoples and anti-imperialist solidarity
1. The main features and trends that characterize the international situation have persisted and are becoming more marked. Against the backdrop of a deepening structural crisis of capitalism, and of a crisis that broke out in 2008 and has not been overcome, there is a looming threat of new crises that, should they occur, will send shockwaves around the world.
Significant developments have taken place in this context, with a complex re-arrangement of forces on the world stage. With inherent contradictions, those developments have represented a factor of containment of US imperialism and its hegemonic ambitions.
However, in the current international situation, the most reactionary and aggressive sectors of imperialism are increasingly throwing their support behind fascism, militarism and war and the threat they represent - a situation that has taken a particularly serious turn in the Middle East and in the Ukraine.
2. In the European Union, the so-called «Lux Leaks» affair – involving the current President of the European Commission and former Chairman of the Eurogroup in tax evasion cases while Prime Minister of Luxembourg, a known tax heaven – shows once more the close involvement of leading EU figures with the interests of big transnational capital and its dominion over the European Union and its policies, thus exposing their class nature.
The recent disclosure is a further argument supporting the demand and the struggle to break with the country's submission to the policies and guidelines coming from the EU and to assert a sovereign policy that defends the interests of workers, the people and the country.
3. The Central Committee of PCP warns against imperialist interference in Latin Amarica and the Caribbean and emphasizes the electoral victories of progressive forces in Brazil and Uruguai, where processes have been taking place that converge with other sovereign, progressive and revolutionary developments in the region.
The Central Committee of PCP underlines the importance of the struggles of workers and peoples for their rights, interests and aspirations, against exploitation and oppression, for national sovereignty and independence, for anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist transformations and for socialism.
The current circumstances require the deepening and development of the struggles and initiatives aimed at a convergence with a range social and political forces that are willing to defend workers' and social rights and the progress achieved by workers and peoples, against the fascist threat and war and for peace, thus promoting a broad anti-imperialist front.
4. In the wake of the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, which was held in Ecuador between 13 and 15 November, the Central Committee of PCP reiterates the Party's willingness to contribute to finding solutions aimed at addressing the difficulties and at strengthening the international communist and revolutionary movement, on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs and mutual solidarity.
5. The Central Committee of PCP emphasizes the holding of the Assembly of the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation and the organization of a Concert for Peace and stresses their contribution to the strengthening of the activities of the Peace movement and of anti-imperialist solidarity.
6. The Central Committee of PCP highlights the significance of the range of initiatives that marked the International Year in Solidarity with the People of Palestine and calls for a reinforcement of the solidarity with the cause of the Palestinian people.
VII – To proceed with the strengthening and assertion of the Party, to energize its initiatives and the struggle, to successfully engage in the important battles of 2015
1. The Portuguese Comunist Party is the political force that represents a break with right-wing policies and that can build a patriotic, left-wing alternative. Without it, there is no future for Portugal. PCP, with its intense activity, its combativeness, its ability to intervene, to address and overcome obstacles, has has lived, lives and will live up to its responsibilities before the workers, the people and the country.
The Central Committee salutes the Party members who, with their militancy and commitment have ensured the Party's intense activity, combining political initiatives and the support to the development of mass struggles with actions on an intitutional plane and the strengthening of the Party and the assertion of its political ideas and project.
2. The Central Committee values the work undertaken in the context of the National Action «The strength of a people, for a future for Portugal - a patriotic, left-wing policy» which culminated in an important initiative that took place on 13 December, and the process «Dialogue and action for a patriotic, left-wing alternative» that set the stage for a debate with democrats and patriots in gatherings, contacts and meetings with a range of entities to assess the current situation and to express PCP's views.
The Central Committee emphasizes the importance of the National Action Day of Propaganda in November and the initiative held on 5 Dezember «50 Public Platforms – Breaking with right-wing policies for a sovereign and decent country», based on the contact with thousands of people and used to denounce the objectives of the 2015 State Budget and to fight against right-wing policies.
The Central Committee underlines the importance of the celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the April 1974 Revolution and the series of initiatives that were undertaken in support of the values enshrined in the April Revolution and in the Constitution of the Republic.
The Central Committee highlights the publication of a new edition of Álvaro Cunhal's «Contribution to the Study of the Agrarian Question» on 10 November, to coincide with the 101th anniversary of his birth.
3. The Central Committe values the intense international activity that took place in recent months and points out the contributions made to the preparation and proceedings of the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, which was held in Ecuador.
4. In the context of the implementation of the conclusions of the XIXth Congress and the need to find answers to the situation that the country faces, the Central Committee reaffirms the need to engage in articulate work in 2015, which shall include:
• the preparation and organization of the National Meeting of PCP «Say no to national decline. Solutions for the country» on 28 February;
• the continuation of the national action focused on the promotion of a patriotic, left-wing policy «The strength of the people for a future for Portugal» – an integrated action combined with interventions and the struggle to defeat the government and to break with right-wing policies, characterized by the assertion of rights and the struggle to improve of the living conditions of workers and the people, to bring about economic and social development and to assert national sovereignty and independence, which are key elements to achieve a solution to the country's problems;
• the continuation of interventions aimed at energizing, diversifying and extending the struggles of workers and the people;
• the strengthening of mass organizations and movements, in particular of the unitary trade union movement;
• the strengthening of unitary political work and the broadening of converging initiatives with thousands of democrats and patriots who wish to break with right-wing policies;
• the preparation of the election for the Regional Parliament of Madeira, which should be an opportunity to assert CDU as a necessary and indispensable political force to defend the rights of the people of the autonomous regions;
• the preparation of the forthcoming general election which, in close combination with the Party's overall intervention, should be an opportunity to strengthen CDU and thus contribute to a strong condemnation of right-wing policies and to build a patriotic, left-wing alternative;
• the development of initiatives aimed at celebrating the 70th anniversary of the defeat of nazi-fascism, the 40th anniversary of the agrarian reform and nationalizations, the international women's day on 8 March, the national youth day on 28 March, the 25th of April and the 1st of May.
5. The Central Committee reiterates the importance of the guidelines to strengthen the Party that were included in the Central Committee's Resolution of December 2013, «More organization, more intervention, more influence – a stronger PCP », in the framework of the implementation of the guidelines that were adopted by the XIXth Congress.
Alongside the Party's interventions, the following steps were made with a view to strengthening it:
• Cadres were given new responsibilities and a large number of assemblies of Party organizations were held at various levels, including regional organizations' assemblies in Viana do Castelo, Bragança, Vila Real, Porto, Aveiro, Guarda, Leiria, Évora, Beja, Algarve and the Congress of the Organization of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
• Contact was established with Party members with a view to delivering the new Party cards, updating of data and invigorating militants' work. As a result, most Party members have already been contacted and in many Party organizations the work has already been completed or is close to completion. The following important outcomes are worth noting, inter alia: delivery of the Party's card and of the Party's Programme and Constitution; updating of the Party's data which allows a better and more effective functioning of the Party; invigorating militants' work and taking on of new responsibilities on a regular basis (by organizations, by collecting dues, by distributing Avante! or by taking on other tasks); increase in the amount of contributions and their payment; sale of Avante! on a broader scale; recruitment of new members. The contacts that were established were an opportunity to learn more about the Party's organization and the current economic and social situation, and from this work resulted important findings for the strengthening of the Party and its political intervention. It should also be pointed out that protracted actions and lack of understanding were detected in some organizations and among some cadres. It is important that they are overcome through the Party's work so that this initiative may be completed and use be made of the potential and availability expressed by many.
• New members have joined the Party as a result of the recruitment campaign «The values of April in the future of Portugal». Until now, some 1,500 new members have joined the Party, of which 65% have less than 50 years and 45% less than 40 years. The number of women who have newly joined the Party and which represent 36% of the total should be stressed, as well as the numbers of workers who have stood out in the various struggles, activists, trade union representatives and leaders as well as representatives from other mass organizations and movements.
• The work aimed at disseminating the Party's press publications; the improvement and strengthening of the means of propaganda and information; and making use of the potential of electronic communications to further action, analysis, proposals and the Party's projects are areas on which there has been a focus but that require new steps at the various levels of the Party's organization.
The Central Committee has defined as key tasks in the near future aimed at strengthening the Party: to complete the initiative directed at contacting Party members and to energize the recruitment campaign «The values of April in the future of Portugal».
Completing the initiative directed at contacting Party members requires stepping up the measures designed to that effect by the organizations that haven't completed the task yet; an additional focus on the part of cadres, teams and comrades working full-time; a careful preparation of contacts to clearly identify availability to intensify militancy and to make use of such availability to reinforce the Party's organization and work.
Energizing the recruitment campaign requires a new emphasis on the appeal to join the Party and a well-prepared survey of people to be contacted, of contacts to be made and of integration of new militants, namely as regards the Party structure to which they will become associated, the tasks they will perform and the appropriate training and support measures.
While focusing on these key tasks, it is important to pursue a range of work guidelines designed to strengthen the Party, namely as regards assigning responsibilities to cadres and taking on board of regular tasks; organizing and engaging in activities among the working class and workers, in companies and work places; structuring and intervening among other social sectors and on specific issues and fronts; and as regards the Party's press, its means of information and propaganda and the Party's financial independence.
6. The Central Committee appraised the National Fundraising Campaign – «More space. More Avante! Festival. A future with April» and assessed its outcome so far, acknowledging the responsiveness and that there is a real possibility of achieving the proposed goals.
The Central Committee stressed that it is of the outmost importance to extend the National Fundraising Campaign within the Party's organization, making contact with all Party members, friends of the Party and of the Avante ! Festival as well as with other democrats, ensuring that immediate contributions are made as well as commitments towards 40th edition of the Avante! Festival.
7. The Central Committee stresses the importance of mobilizing for and promoting the 39th edition of the Avante! Festival, which will take place on 4, 5 and 6 September and underlines the importance of the National Plenary Meeting of Cadres, which was held on 15 November, as well as the importance of the ongoing discussions around and compilation of suggestions towards the valuing and improvement of the Avante! Festival and its extension to Quinta do Cabo, with a view to celebrating its 40th edition.
8. The Central Committee regards the celebrations of the 94th Anniversary of the Party, in March 2015, to be an opportunity to assert its programme «An Advanced Democracy – the April values in Portugal's future» and its objective of establishing socialism and communism.