“A State”

Translated “Avante article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department

Trump hosted Netanyahu, Israel’s prime-minister, the Gaza sanguinary. Among exchanging mutual love statements during the conjoint press conference, Trump kept distance from the UN official policy, held during decades: the promise of two states in Palestinian land. A two state solution or even one was indifferent and it were to Israel and the Palestinians to decide. False ingenuity and false estrangement. Trump’s and Netanyahu’s “one State” solution is not to be a state for all those who live in the Palestine historical territory. It is the Great Israel Jewish State, exclusivist and xenophobe, carrying out the West Bank annexation and built on an ulterior Palestine ethnic cleansing.

Imperialism manoeuvres, in order to dominate the Middle East, ought to be at the brink of taking a new qualitative jump. Netanyahu, in his recent speech before the UN General Assembly, stated that “ Israel diplomatic relations” with Arab countries “ are undergoing a revolution” as they are “beginning to recognize Israel, not as an enemy, but instead an ally” (in Jerusalem Post, 2016.09.22). The mentioned “Arab countries” are the Gulf petro- dictatorships, the greater promoters and financiers of the fundamentalist terrorism which devastates the region, at the service of imperialism. The Lay Arab countries, issued from the Arab peoples national liberation struggle, have been destroyed, one by one, by imperialism and Israel. By the Bushs, Clintons, Obama and terrorism, at their service.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, EAU have been silently collaborating with Israel for a long time, not only promoting bands such as ISIL and Al Qaeda, but in weapon purchase, and as in a recent Bloomberg chronicle (2017.02.02), with Israel business technological companies and “security” (one of which –the Athena GS3 – headed by an Israel ex- intelligence leader, the Mossad). According to Bloomberg “ peace has not reached the Middle East. It is not a question of converting spades into ploughs; it is otherwise the result of a logic convergence of interests, based in shared fears: an Iran bomb, Jihadist terror, popular insurrections, and a withdrawal of the USA from the region”. Half lie and half truth. Iran bomb is inexistent and the Jihadist terror is issued from them. What they really worry about is the popular resistance and revolt, along with the USA’s hegemonic power weakening.

Trump threatens to attack Iran, the only country in the Pentagon’s list to be invaded (according to General Wesley Clark) and that has not been object of a direct military aggression. The imperialist adventurers dream to add that great country to their income: war, chaos and destruction. The Arab dictatorships, that ought to accept to collaborate ought to suffer, in due time, their predecessor Saddam Hussein’s fate: upon bringing disgrace to the peoples in the region, they ought to be washed away by the imperialist powers they served, and that, at last, only but envy their wealth. Or, instead, ought to be expelled by their peoples.

What is not clear, amid all this, is the UN’s position. News from the Israeli press refer that Tzipi Livni ( Israel minister of Justice during the massacre in Gaza, 2014) was invited by Guterres to be the UN sub-General Secretary (in Haaretz, 2017.02.12). Rivlin, Israel president, publically supported that eventuality (in Haaretz, 2017.02.13). Such a nomination ought to be crown the greatest UN resolution offender. And stab the Palestinians by their back, at the end of 70 years of promises to be accomplished. It ought to place war criminals among the UN leaders.

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