Speech by Paulo Raimundo, General Secretary of the PCP, Hearing on the Electoral Programme «Social Issues»

«Social Issues» Contributions and Commitments for the Future of Portugal

«Social Issues» Contributions and Commitments for the Future of Portugal

Paulo Raimundo, General Secretary of the PCP, participated and intervened in the Hearing on the Electoral Programme regarding "Social Issues", which took place in the hall of the Alcântara Parish Council, in Lisbon. At the end of his intervention, he expressed thanks for the presence of the participants and praised the qualified contributions received, stressing the importance of basing the debate on concrete experience and knowledge of the realities addressed.

The General Secretary emphasised the relevance of the contributions of all participants, including of those who, despite not being members of the party, contributed to the debate, also becoming builders of the programme.

He addressed the problem of human resources in the public sector, highlighting the difficulties in attracting professionals in different areas, such as healthcare, education and social security and warned about the political options of the right to reconfigure the State that move towards a "minimum State" and criticised the option of transferring services to the private sector, citing the lack of adequate investment in the State's human resources.

Addressed were issues such as housing, a serious problem that affects the lives of millions of people in Portugal, highlighting the importance of preventing housing from being considered a commodity, but rather a right as enshrined in the Constitution. The need to guarantee investment in healthcare, education, science and other public services was also addressed in accordance with the real needs of the people and workers and reinforced the importance of valorising and dignifying public sector professions, ensuring adequate conditions for workers, such as a general and significant increase in wages.

Paulo Raimundo concluded by stressing the need for political options that ensure the sustainability of public services and a different course for the country, reaffirming the PCP's commitment to build solutions for the future.

  • Assuntos e Sectores Sociais
  • Central
  • CDU
  • Programa Eleitoral