Position of the Central Committee of the PCP on the situation in the European Union and Greece, inserted in the statement of its meeting on 28 June:
"The Central Committee condemns the process of interference and blackmail by the European Union and the IMF against the Greek people and their options, which seek to impose the continuation and intensification of a policy at the service of big business and the directory of EU powers, a policy that is at the root of the catastrophic economic and social situation in that country.
The Central Committee condemns the unacceptable posture of alignment by the PSD/ CDS government and the President of the Republic in this process of pressure against the Greek people, which is contrary to the interests of the people and the country.
In view of the developments of the situation, when it is announced that a referendum is to be held in Greece on July 5 and destabilizing factors multiply, the PCP reaffirms its strong condemnation of the manoeuvres by the European Union and the IMF against that country.
This process confirms that the "European Union's cohesion and solidarity" does not exist. The so-called “negotiations” and the decisions of the Eurogroup, the EU and the IMF were never interested in solving the serious problems of the people and the economy, but in imposing greater and more brutal exploitation of the Greek workers and people and a new extortion of the resources of that country. Having the euro as one of its main instruments of economic and political domination by big business, the European Union does not hesitate in trampling hypocritically proclaimed fundamental values - like democracy – humiliating and crushing the sovereign will of a people, while trying to perpetuate policies of exploitation of workers and favouring of big business.
The PCP reaffirms its solidarity to the Greek workers and people, who resist and struggle against the impositions of the European Union and the IMF, demanding respect for their right to take sovereign options in defence of their rights and interests.
The PCP reaffirms that the seriousness of the situation and the violence of the offensive against the people demands a firm stance to defend sovereignty in face of the instruments of domination by the EU and big business."