Albano Nunes
Intelectual - 63 years old
Alexandre Araújo
Intelectual - 34 years old
(entry to the Secretariat of the CC on the 21st April 2006)
Francisco Lopes
Factory Worker- 49 years old
Jerónimo de Sousa
Metalworker - 57 years old
Jorge Cordeiro
Service Employee - 51 years old
José Capucho
Service Employee - 46 years old
Luísa Araújo
Service Employee - 57 years old
(entry to the Secretariat of the CC on the 21st April 2006)
Manuela Bernardino
Intelectual - 60 years old
Manuela Pinto Ângelo
Intelectual - 51 years old
Rui Fernandes
Service Employee - 44 years old