Resolution PCP Central Committee

Resolution of the PCP Central Committee of January 24th - 25th, 1999 [extracts]

In its meeting of 24th-25th January 1999, the C.C. of the Portuguese Communist Party analysed the most outstanding features resulting from the Socialist Party policies and government and their repercussions on the political, economic and social situation, as the final stage of its 4 years in office is approaching. The C.C. discussed and defined the PCP's and its organisation's main lines of work and political action in the year of the 25th celebrations of the April Revolution. It approved the guide-lines for the important political battles of the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament and to the Republic Assembly [Parliament]. It stressed the decisive importance of strengthening the PCP and CDU [Unitarian Democratic Coalition]'s positions aiming at a turning to a left policy.

The resolution adopted is fully published in the PCP's central organ "Avante!" of January 28, an excerpt of which is transcribed, as follows:


4. Some aspects of the international juncture

"In a world situation which still bears the trace of an unfavourable correlation of forces, the PCP considers it important to underline and valorise the result of workers and peoples' struggle, continuing the world over. The imperial arrogance of the USA is causing increasing international indignation and resistance, including in spheres which didn't make themselves heard before. We have witnessed important movements of opinion and popular struggles against the disastrous consequences of neo-liberal policies and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB)'s impositions.

The very economic and financial crisis which stands out before us, meaning, on the one hand, the downgrading of the broad masses' living standards, highlights, on the other, capitalism's growing contradictions and the discredit of neo-liberal policies, thus raising the need for left-wing and progressive alternatives for whose materialisation the action of the communists and other progressive forces and their co-operation is indispensable.

Therefore, and namely with a view to the forthcoming European Parliament election, the PCP highly praises the appeal "For a new course in the European construction" already signed by thirteen European Communist, left and progressive parties.

In international life still prevails strong instability and incertitude, with the multiplying of tension areas, local and regional conflicts, wars of aggression, imposing of blockades, re-launching of militarism and of the arms race, strengthening and enlarging of aggressive military blocks. The role of the UN and of other international organisations such as the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is being undermined and subverted by the manipulating attempts on the part of imperialist powers. The USA clearly violates the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

The enlargement of NATO, right up to the Russian border, fosters unrest and insecurity in Eastern Europe. In the Balkans, Yugoslavia's sovereignty and independence are jeopardised, military threats, NATO's open intervention and double standards are used in the explosive situation in Kosovo. The stalemate in a solution for the Cyprus division, Israel's sabotaging of peace and of Palestine's independence, the recent military attack of the USA and Great Britain against Iraq, increase tensions in the Middle East and internationally.

Within this framework, problems of security and co-operation in Europe become growingly relevant and timely. Both in the sphere of its own action and in the context of its international relations, the PCP deems necessary to dedicate an even greater attention to these problems, valorising the Helsinki Final Act and the potential role of the OSCE, while opposing the negative tendency for militarising the European Union, fighting NATO's strengthening and enlargement as well as its transformation in a tool for North-American hegemony and armed wing of the "new imperialist order" and fighting for NATO's military disactivation and dissolution, for one Europe of peace and co-operation.

The PCP alerts, as from now, the Portuguese people, to the plans of the USA and other big powers, who intend to "commemorate" NATO's 50th Anniversary, next April, with a vast propaganda operation and serious political and operational decisions geared at world wide intervention and aggression – namely the new "strategic concept", Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic's integration – totally contrary to the aims of disarmament, collective security, international co-operation and peace.

In view of the serious situation created in relation to Iraq, and during the last few days, the sudden worsening of the situation in Kosovo, the PCP demands that the Portuguese government respects international law and the UN Charter, with a clear demarcation from USA and NATO's aggressive purposes.

The PCP underlines the importance of intensifying solidarity towards all struggling peoples, particularly with the people of East Timor, in their road to self-determination and independence and with the people of Angola who are the victims of a new war resulting from UNITA's criminal action and the fragile and double-faced positioning of those whose duty should be watching over the abidance of the peace agreements."


  • Central
  • Political Statements
  • European Union
  • United Nations
  • Yugoslavia