The awarding of the Nobel Peace prize to the President of the USA, Barack Obama, is a further blow against the credibility of an award which should contribute to assert the values of peace, solidarity and friendship among the peoples.
This decision, which cannot be separated from the international campaign to rehabilitate the USA's interventionist and militarist policy, is not in accordance with the ideals of peace. On this occasion, when the US President is awarded the Nobel Peace prize, the PCP does not forget facts which speak for themselves: the intensification of the war in Afghanistan and the strengthening of the military presence and capability of the troops of occupation; the ongoing review of NATO's strategic concept, which enhances its aggressive nature; the manoeuvres of interference in Latin America and the re-activation of the US Fourth Fleet in the sub-continent; the clear support for the Israeli strategy of blocking any solution for the Palestinian question; the threats against Iran and the ongoing occupation and imperialist aggression against Iraq.