Translated “Avante!” by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the CC
Which direction is the USA taking? Till when the people of North-America ought to carry on being victims of the financial capitalism dictatorship and the powerful military-industrial complex, that has brought upon the world so much suffering? Are there any motives for hope amid workers and people’s capacity of this great country, to become free from the financial oligarchy domain and impose a respectful policy on peoples sovereignty and guided towards disarmament and peace? And regarding the short term, what is legitimate to be expected?
At a three months distance from the North-American presidential elections, it is for sure that planetary media overwhelming on the “primaries”, is to carry on and even intensify, not because one is to expect a clarifying debate round the major issues, which involve the USA ‘s great responsibilities, concerning the international level, but instead, to deviate attention from them and project an erroneous perception on the USA as a bastion of democracy and an indispensable “protector” power. It is necessary to fight this dangerous pretension of inducing a submission culture towards the North-American imperialism. But above all, it is necessary to identify, behind the depressive propaganda show that, for months, has occupied the media headlines round the world, signals of a growing popular resistance towards the dominant class.
What mostly deserves to be underlined is, although for different motives and many the times contradictory, one verifies a rejection wave of the establishment candidates what proves great discontent before the social injustices and inequalities deepening within the North-American society and a growing deceit concerning the financial oligarchy, represents a serious jerk in the political system credibility, based on a regime of an authentic “ sole party”, and in which “Republicans” and “Democrats” share power. Trump was not the candidate supposed, at the beginning, to be leader of the Republican Party, but by placing himself in an “anti-system” position he achieved to centralize several discontents, in an American version of what has happened in Europe, regarding the growing and spreading of xenophobe and fascist forces. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton hardly won. Bernie Saunders and his social-democratizing message, supported by anti-capitalist sectors, did not win, as he was clearly discriminated by the Democratic Party apparatus. This strong anti-establishment current opens up change perspectives , that sooner or later ought to thrive. All depends on the communists and other real progressive forces’ capacity that, meanwhile, are currently weakened.
At the present moment, what is to be expected of these elections, that the media present as a choice between heaven and hell? Although, what determinates the USA policy is its power system, dominated by the great economic groups, the president’s profile is not indifferent. Trump greatly reflects the North-American political system nature, by allowing him to reach where he has. And Hillary Clinton, well-known by her aggressive falcon behaviour, (in Hillary Clinton, Chaos Queen, page to page editions) is supported by Wall Street and the military-industrial complex? One ought never to expect an inversion on the USA militarist and aggressive policy. On the contrary. Moreover, when Sanders support to Clinton ( considered by many of his supporters, as treason) launders his reactionary nature and his dispute with Trump, gives him a deceiving halo of a humanist and democrat.