Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee and of the International Department
The world begun year 2016 with a difficult, instable, dangerous and complex situation. The last month’s news indicate no doubts. The world is fustigated by a multifaceted crisis situation, of war and the resurge of fascism. The system’s evolution along with violence and instability, within a context of an extreme complex process of force rearrangement, which leads unto a “perfect storm” scenario, with all its magnitude and destructive power.
At the economic level, instability and market losses, from Xanghai to New York, in the last week, are the signal that something is wrong. The historical fall of the oil barrel price to under 30 dollars and the raw materials price crisis, are indicators which pronounce a real wound, concerning the productive economy and consumption contraction. Currently, the crisis affects the emergent economies and among them, giants like China, India and Brazil. In the USA, many are those who already analyze the North-American apparently positive economy data, alerting that they hinder a real recession on what concerns productive economy and a giant growth on credit bubbles. Within Europe, deflation carries on showing perspectives of a stagnated economy, dived in scandals. The world is poorer and more unjust, as revealed by the recent studies that point out that the 62 richest world multimillionaires hold as half of the world population wealth.
And therefore, that is the reason of instability, war and insecurity. Upon the hideous terrorist attacks, in Paris, one has assisted to a number of episodes which point out to the “globalization” direction concerning violence escalade. Burkina Fasso, Jakarta and Istanbul, are the three last terror examples, spreading throughout almost all continents. In history, as ever, terrorism does not surge as a “spontaneous generation, but associated to war policy, and consequently to exploitation and oppression.
The news that refugee children ought not to survive to the cold winter in the Balkans or in France, give a clear idea of this barbaria. A barbaria, not only tolerated , but nurtured by those who call upon democracy, by closing their eyes to the Saudi Arabia executions or the massive political persecution to activists and academics, in Turkey, who struggle for democracy and denounce Erdogan’s war policy , in the origin of Ankara and Istanbul’s attempts. Its fascism indeed, the same one that in Ukraine, Poland or Hungry carries out freedoms’ repression, persecuting communists or hatred against foreigners. Fascism, which is supported by NATO and the “democratic” European Union, that cheer their Turkish and Ukrainian “allies” with “aid packets” and blindly launch, together with them, the logic of confrontation.
At the moment, the world crosses a chaotic situation and one ought to withdraw lessons from the past, but the unique and only direction in which imperialist power goes, is war- non stop and prepares to commit the very same crimes, under the same pretexts and methods, as the possibility of a new USA, NATO and EU military intervention in Libya, to where, many thousand of marines and military means are stationed in NATO bases, both in Italy and Cyprus. Once more, a war that ought to be presented as to “ replace the control” at the request of “ the legitimate national unity government” and in order “to fight terrorism”. But, in reality has a sole objective: control the Libya oil infrastructures, that fell into the hands of the USA’s ex-allies, in Tripoli, currently treated as the Daesh.
A “perfect storm” is taking shape… but, contrarily to real storms, the latter ought to be stopped by a much greater nature force…the peoples’ struggle, peace, progress and socialism.