1 – The PCP deplores the approval by the UN Security Council of a Resolution calling for a foreign military aggression against Libya. Far from any genuine sense of solidarity with the people of Libya and defense of their legitimate rights, the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council aims at providing cover for the objectives of the major Western powers of direct intervention in the internal affairs of that sovereign State and of geostrategic control of Libyan natural resources .
2 - The PCP reiterates its opposition to any act of aggression against Libya which, were it to occur, will exacerbate the internal conflict and lead to even greater instability throughout the Maghreb region and the Middle East.
3 – The PCP condemns the attitude of the United Nations Security Council and of the UN Secretary-General of support for a strategy that is going to initiate a war of imperialist aggression in detriment of what should, in light of the UN Charter, be their activity: promoting and supporting diplomatic initiatives by countries like Venezuela and organizations like the African Union, seeking a peaceful resolution of the internal conflict in Libya.
The PCP denounces the profound hypocrisy and disinformation campaign unleashed to support the bellicose intentions of NATO and its powers, reflected in the fact that the UN Security Council has just approved a military aggression against a sovereign country in the name of "defending human rights", whilst at the same time observing a lead silence regarding serious and recent events that constitute clear violations of international Law and of the rights of peoples, such as successive crimes, provocations and illegalities committed by Israel or the invasion of Bahrain by the ruthless military Saudi dictatorship (with prior knowledge of the US Administration) with the intent of crushing the popular uprisings in that country.
4 – The PCP deplores the Portuguese Government's position in the Security Council, which is further evidence of its subservience and collaborationism with the strategy of the big imperialist powers and NATO. It reaffirms its total opposition to Portugal's participation in the aggression against Libya, whether by direct involvement of military forces and means, or through indirect involvement or logistical support for any military operations linked with this aggression.
5 - The PCP invokes the collective memory of the Portuguese workers and people and expresses its support for initiatives that are being prepared against the military attack on Libya, an attack which, in its essence, aims, media campaign and in the ideology that sustains it, is entirely similar to the aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The PCP calls for the unity in action of the peace, democratic and progressive forces around the slogan of rejection of a military intervention in Libya and for solidarity with the peoples of the Middle East that continue to fight for their social and labor rights, democracy, freedom, peace and sovereignty.