Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department
Three months upon the coup d’état, furthered by the USA and the EU, Ukraine carries on, hastily, towards the abyss. The imposed civil war by the Kiev coup Junta, is a reality, but the worse is still to come. Fascism - a determinant element in the consummated coup execution, last February - proves, with growing insolence, its nature and clutches. The exacerbated climate of terrorist hate and violence, seem to be the ultimate great oligarchy regime in power resource, at the end of 23 years of free capitalist plunder and imperialist interference, which led Ukraine unto the present situation. Certain crimes do not deceive and the Trade-Union House massacre , in Odessa, the heroic town, holds the infamous Fascism touch. In the capital, Turchinov, the interim president, demands publically, the UCP’s judgement and banning. Under the IMF assistance, and the impositions coming from Washington and Brussels ( not forgetting the NATO “aid”), the illegitimate power insists in the taking place, at all cost, of the presidential elections on the 25th May, an electoral farce with which it desires to complete the assault to power and the punitive campaign in the East and South.
Despite the repression intensifying, the daily bombings against Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, the Neo-Nazi expeditionary groups and the National Guard’s abuses, organized by the right-wing sector, Kiev’s forces do not control the situation anymore, both in the mining and industrial Donbass region. The May 11th referendums in the Lugansk and Donetsk districts, did not offer any doubts about the popular rejection of the Kiev’s National-Fascist power. Upon weeks of ambiguities, the Rinat Akhmetov, the Donetsk’s great proprietor and fortune owner in Ukraine war declaration to the proclaimed Donetsk Popular Republic ( DPR), is another rationality element and a moment of truth amid this gory conflict, in progress. The class affinities and interests overlap for a time, the great gut jerk, within the Ukrainian oligarchy’s core. Kolomoiski, the magnate, named by the Junta, to be Dnepropetrovsk’s governor, the military industry seat, supports the Right-Wing Sector and bankrolls a private army, with to purpose to fight and destroy “separatists” and “terrorists”. Akmetov decrees, under dismissal subtle menaces, a three hour daily strike within his companies and against the DPR’s power. This development shows in itself, that the heterogeneous forces which incorporate the Donbass uprising, are the expression , even if in a contradictory manner and not totally conscientious, of deep popular feelings and desires of anti-Fascist and anti-oligarchy nature, which blossomed upon the Kiev’s reactionary coup.
The Ukrainian conflict, plunged in a totally critical phase, is about to reach decisive moments. The Donbass anti-Fascist resistance ought to drive the other East and South regions and conduce unto the coup d’état’s defeat. The Junta, the great capital and even what is left of the Region Party bet on the defeat or capitulation of the “separatist movement”. Even more than giving support to the Donbass uprising, Russia intents to adapt its leadership, at the same time it avoids to be attracted by an armed conflict outcome, of unpredictable proportions. The Kremlin’s agenda, having presented some similar points of view, in the current situation, regarding the Donbass popular desires, is not coincident with its purposes.
The coup d’état, Crimea’s reintegration in Russia, the division and civil war within Ukraine, initiate a new disturbed phase within the post-Soviet territory, with deep impacts throughout the world context.