"Paladins of peace..."

Article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC and of the International Department

The world media’s attentions are centred on the summit, round the nuclear issue, furthered by the North-American Administration , in Washington, following the USA’s and the Russian Federation’s signing of the new START agreement.
On what concerns Washington’s meeting – a conclave, with controlled invitations, leaving out several countries – highlighting proclamations will be issued, but even the most unsuspected “analysts” point out towards a “restricted agenda” and “ non – bonding” conclusions. The central summit’s motto was given out by Barack Obama, on that eve: it will be centred in the “ fact of the greatest threat ever on the USA’s security” – in the short, medium and long term – and the possibility of a terrorist organization to hold hand of a nuclear weapon” (1). But Washington’s concerns are others and are directly related with the complex resettling force process, in course, at world level.

As well underlined, in the International Chronicle of this “Avante” number, times ahead will tell on this treaty’s real consequences, just signed between the USA and the Russian Federation and which will be the USA administration’s real intentions regarding this diplomatic “offensive”. If a real interest in the non-proliferation and reduction or if a tactical adjustment concerning the sustenance of its military overpowering supremacy, which can derive unto an even stronger conventional armament escalade development, of more sophisticated weapons and missile systems or even towards the cosmos’ militarization.
Meanwhile, amid an intense media coverage, which once again, intends to present Obama as the world peace paladin, many of the events and denunciations which reveal much about the USA’s and its allies’ intentions and practises are submerged. The North-American troops’ attack to a civil bus, in Kandahar, killing five and tens of wounded, on the eve of a new slaughter, within this Afghani region, the Israeli military decree for tens of thousands Cisjordania Palestinians expulsion, and a recent civilian and children massacre video, in Iraq (2), brought to public by two of the victims, two Reuter journalists, are only three of the numerous crime examples, of those who now are presented as the preachers of peace and contention.

in “O Público” newspaper, 13.04.2010
http:/ wikileaks.org/

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