Message by Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary, «Avante!» Festival

Opening of the «Avante!» Festival 2020

Opening of the «Avante!» Festival 2020

Welcome to Atalaia/Quinta do Cabo.

Greetings to the neighbours of the Festival, the youth, the democrats and friends of the Avante! Festival.

Fraternal greetings to the builders of the Festival who, under exceptional conditions, raised it by hand, to all those who will ensure its functioning, taking all necessary measures in terms of health protection, - including those that go beyond the standards required in any commercial space, any beach, religious or street activity and other initiatives - in a space of 300 thousand square metres with music, theatre, cinema, culture, reviving also here the throbbing and enjoyment of life in its various dimensions.

For decades, except for a few exceptions, the Avante! Festival, in particular the images of the level of participation in the rallies, were hidden, censored, shelved, to conclude that "the thing was weak". Now, surprisingly, many of the pieces that never saw the light of day are played and replayed, to conclude that "there will be too many people"!

Using a veritable media arsenal, taking advantage of legitimate concerns regarding the epidemic outbreak, what they really wanted and want is to call into question constitutional political rights.

Leading figures from the right, well-known former government people, as if they had a change of heart on the evil they did to the right to healthcare of the Portuguese and to the National Health Service, to the public healthcare network with the demeaning of services, closure of thousands of beds, cuts in the number of professionals, who they also punished in their salaries, in their working times, in their careers, come to the fore to hypocritically invoke sanitary reasons to prevent the Festival.

They do not want the Festival like they did not want the celebrations of the 25th of April, or the May Day struggle. They did not want, nor do they want the Festival because they are aware of the worsening economic and social situation which sectors of capital will take advantage of to dismiss, cut wages and rights, increase injustices and inequalities and keep a lion's share of financial support.

Besides the Festival, they do not want the workers to mobilise and fight and much less for the PCP to be a voice and a fighting force, to give courage and confidence to all those who worry about their lives, a Party with an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy, which does not forsake any place to propose measures to increase the valorisation of work and workers, in particular the valorisation of wages and the increase of the National Minimum Wage and the fight against precariousness, measures that take into account the valorisation of retirement and pensions and social protection, which aim at strengthening public services, in particular healthcare and social security, which sets, as a national goal, to make the country produce what they force us to buy abroad, valuing the internal market and the activity of the creators of art and culture, of micro, small and medium-sized companies, and of producers and farmers.

Yes, they want us to stay quiet, confined, silent and afraid, because they know what's coming. They want us to give up what is most beautiful and fulfilling in life, freed from our fears, to rediscover socializing and friendships, culture, concerts of different styles of music, to discover the levadas of Madeira, to hear the singing of the Alentejo and the fado, the presentation of a book, watching a play or a moment of cinema, participate in one of the debates that will fill 60 hours during the 3 days of the Festival, give meaning and concrete expression to internationalist solidarity, to the struggle for peace.

Yes, comrades and friends. Let us respect and comply with all health protection measures. Let's use the mask as recommended. But let us not let our eyes be closed to the need to continue to be and fight where we have always been - with the workers, with the Portuguese people, whatever the circumstances, a struggle inseparable from the exercise of constitutional rights, freedoms and guarantees.

Let our Festival be once again a space and moment of joy, tranquillity with renewed energy to face the bad weather.
We declare open the 44th. edition of the Avante! Festival.

Long live the Avante! Festival.

Long live the Portuguese Communist Party!

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