National Issues
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of June 27 and 28, 2020
28 June 2020
The Central Committee of the PCP met on June 27 and 28 to analyse the international situation, in the European Union and the national situation, to evaluate the developments of the mass struggle and the intervention of the PCP, namely regarding the preparation of the XXI Congress and the Centennial of the Party.
In the name of peace and truth - against fascism and war - 79 years ago, Nazi Germany launched the war against the USSR
22 June 2020
79 years ago, in the early hours of June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany was attacking, without a declaration of war, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The main Front of the Second World War was thus opened, one in which the fate of the bloodiest war in history and the defeat of fascist Germany would be decided, sealed four years later, with the fall of Berlin and the raising of the Soviet flag on the ruins of the Reichstag, in early May 1945.
Not a single right less. Confidence and struggle for a better life
20 June 2020
The PCP has launched a campaign to valorise work and workers - «No to exploitation» - with dozens of initiatives in all regions of the country, as we are doing here in Portel.
We are where we have always been, with the workers and the people, listening to their problems, denouncing violations of their rights, making proposals to respond to their claims and aspirations.
There were some who thought they could and tried to silence us or reduce our activity.
The PCP, organisation, unity and struggle of the workers
20 June 2020
No other theme deserved to open the cycle of debates in the context of the celebrations of the Centennial of our Party with more symbolic meaning and at the same time more central, vital and urgent in these times, than the one that brought us here: “The PCP, organisation, unity and struggle of the workers”.
A theme for a debate that meets the first feature of PCP's identity - its class nature, as a Party of the working class and of all workers and to which it has remained faithful in defining its guideline and its action and practical intervention in these hundred years of its existence.
Stop the deterioration of living and working conditions, fulfil women's rights
14 June 2020
1. The PCP considers it necessary to assess the impact of the epidemic outbreak, in its various dimensions, on the situation of women, on the relationship between their professional activity and family life, and take measures to stop the deterioration of living and working conditions and enforce their rights.
In the last three months there has been an increase in inequalities, discrimination and violence that affect most women.
The virus, exploitation and poverty
13 June 2020
We have long faced and fought, in Portugal, against the serious scourge of poverty and social inequalities.
At its root is a virus, older than the dangerous and deadly virus of Covid-19 - the virus of exploitation and the policies that feed it.
It is a scourge that has taken on and takes on enormous gravity, both for its size and for its persistence in our country.
Right to housing, a constitutional imperative
12 June 2020
The right to adequate housing for all is an imperative and a right enshrined in article 65 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
A right however, which except during the period of great popular mobilisation soon after 25th. April did not hold the centrality that the Constitution gives it as a universal right by successive governments throughout the 46 years of democracy.
Teleworking: illusions; fragilization of workers; guarantee of rights
9 June 2020
The scientific and technological development is a reality that affects all levels of life and society, and also of work. It can serve workers or, in the context of its appropriation by capital, be put to serve the objective of worsening exploitation and attacking workers' rights.
Defend workers' rights, wages and income and guarantee their social protection
9 June 2020
Exceptional times demand exceptional measures and urgent responses to defend workers' rights, wages and income and guarantee their social protection.
Over the past 3 months we have had clear examples of how the virus has been used as an excuse for brutal trampling of labour rights:
• Wild dismissals of thousands of workers; today there are over 100,000 unemployed registered workers;
• Placing workers on forced vacations and imposing long working hours without paying overtime;
• Unilateral change in working hours;
• Cuts in wages and other incomes;
Support MSMEs, defend national economy
8 June 2020
Only those who are not familiar with the national reality will be surprised by the situation of great distress that many thousands of small entrepreneurs and their families are going through. The epidemic outbreak that affects the country and the world has brought to light even more, and brutally, the many weaknesses and problems that affect the Portuguese business fabric.