Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha

"In the name of oligarchy"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department

If anyone wishes to know, in detail, how to destroy a country and push it forward unto the abyss, then one ought to consider the Ukraine example, specially during this last year. One is confronted with a true hate and terror story, with executioners and victims, family photos and a gallery of criminals, such as the so-called notorious Azores Summit, which announced the assassin attack to Iraq ( with the presence of Durao, Bush, Blair and Aznar). Besides, Durao Barroso, currently in the name of the European Commission, can be considered as a recidivist, regarding these political-diplomatic high affairs, on arming war and helping to destroy sovereignties and peoples. He did not need to pose for Maidan, as some of his peers, but instead , his threats were registered for posterity, as on Ukraine’s constitutional power, during the EU Eastern Partnership Vilnius Summit, at the end of 2013, when Kiev refused to sign the Association Treaty with the EU, and which terms, in fact, are equivalent to an Ukrainian National sovereignty capitulation act. The tone was set for the “Maidan” “explosion” and the assault to power, undergone by the Neo-Nazi riot troops, with the USA’s organization support during many years. In the following weeks and months, the USA, EU and NATO representatives and emissaries multiplied their adverts and threats towards the Ianukovitch’s hesitating power, in order not to he use legal force, while Kiev’s centre was at the mercy of street violence and Neo-Nazi outrages. Imperialism’s coup d’état chosen scenery was consummated in February, under the “mediation” of a EU high-troika.

It is quite improbable that, on deciding to carry out the coup till the end and install a liberal-fascist Junta, in power, in Kiev, Washington and Brussels were not aware of the tragic consequences for Ukraine and the consequent outcome. Ukraine’s future was sacrificed for its own strategic interests and aggressive agenda.

Since then, a lot has happened under the Dnieper country’s bridges. Just without shooting a bullet, Russia was able to bring back Crimea to its cradle and the town of Sebastopol, the Russian Navy headquarters in the Black Sea. Under the IMF, the Ukrainian liberal-technocrats and moderated nationalists converted themselves into a fierce ultra-nationalism and militant xenophobia, opening up the power wings to the neo- Fascist ultra right-wing. When the illegitimate power was confronted with the East and South regions’ protests and the federalization demands, it launched its armed forces, the national guard and the Neo-Nazi battalions against its own people. And whilst the Donbas was fustigated by tanks, heavy artillery and aviation, within the country, the persecution climate and political repression aggravated, as examples of the May 2nd in Odessa with the communists, anti-fascists and opposition leaders’ aggressions, detentions and assassinations.

When taking over power, Porochenko promised to defeat the “separatists” and “terrorists” in days, weeks. In mid Summer, Kiev’s high military command announced the victorious conclusion of the Donbas operation, till the end of August. The prognosis failed. Amid fierce fights, the power’s offensive did not achieve the proposed objectives. The human and military casualties were huge ( Porochenko recognized the destruction of 65% of the army’s mechanized arsenal). The government, sat down at the negotiations table, but war carried on, in split Donbas. Under the economic war crossed fire against Russia, the danger of a long impasse, joins the terrible destructions. With Winter’s arrival, no gas and the majority of carbon mines under the rebel republics, the national economy is at the edge of bankruptcy and the Ukrainians life conditions are dramatically deteriorating. Before this situation, the Junta and the media intensify their irrational campaign. This is the price of Ukraine’s disaster.

Original version in Avante!

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