Mankind is facing a gigantic challenge. Under the imperial baton of the US administration, the nuclear and space arms race and the globe's militarisation continue. NATO's new strategic concept, the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, the purpose of deploying nuclear weapons in the Czech Republic, in Hungary and in Poland, the creation of a "European army" with the transformation of the European Union into a political and military block and the strengthening of the US military co-operation with Japan, are highly worrying elements.
The purpose of this race is leaving the planet at the mercy of the USA, NATO and its main allies and to impose their imperialist ambitions.
The 16th Congress wishes to expose the Portuguese government's participation in this orientation, both supporting the essential of the US policies and also actively participating in NATO as was the case of the war against Yugoslavia.
The 16th Congress of the PCP demands Portugal's progressive disengagement from NATO's military structure, leading the country to leave this political and military block, as well as to its dissolution. The Congress also demands that Portugal adopts a new position within the European Union, by actively defending a policy of co-operation and security among all European States and peoples.
The 16th Congress considers that true security cannot be based on weapons arsenals of all types, but rather on a policy of sustained economic development which ensures the workers and peoples a dignified life, according with their needs and yearnings.
The US and other big imperial powers' militarist policy does not respect the workers and peoples desire to live in peace and in accordance with their sovereign choice that it resorts to interference, pressure, blackmailing, blockades and even brutal aggression.
The 16th Congress of the PCP declares its solidarity with all peoples who are the victims of aggression and who are fighting for their freedom, and defending their sovereignty, territorial integrity and their right to choose their own development path.
The 16th Congress considers that on the threshold of a new millennium, it is possible to live in peace and that the PCP, as a major national party, will do its utmost to achieve those goals.
The 16th Congress considers that an essential role in this struggle belongs to the Communist Parties and other progressive forces and organisations that, with its unbreakable attachment to peace, are capable of mobilising the citizens, the workers and the peoples for this struggle.
The 16th Congress of the PCP urges its militants and sympathisers, all peace-loving women, men and young people to spare no efforts in the struggle to put a halt to the policy of war and imperialist aggression and to operate a turn towards international co-operation and security.
The 16th Congress greets all peace and solidarity movements, praising the richness of their unity and seeking to fulfil with them Man's ancient dream, the dream of living in peace.