Message Secretariat of the Central Committee

Message of solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece

Dear Comrades,

The general elections in your country are drawing near. There is a growing and blatant imperialist interference in the internal affairs of Greece and pressure upon your people, with a view to achieving results that may enable the continuation of the policies which have so dramatically hit the rights and the living standards of the Greek workers and people. In this moment, we wish to express our firm
condemnation of this interference and pressure, and reaffirm the PCP's active solidarity with the CPG, at a difficult and demanding moment of your struggle.

Solidarity which was recently expressed by our Party's General Secretary in his speech at our Party's big demonstration in Lisbon, on May 26.

We wish you great success for the struggle of the CPG, and convey the fraternal greetings of the Portuguese Communists.

  • Central
  • Political Statements
  • Greece