Message Secretariat of the Central Committee

Message of Solidarity to the Communist Party of Egypt

To the Central Committee of Communist Party of Egypt

Dear Comrades,

The Portuguese Communist Party conveys its warm solidarity to the Communist Party of Egypt and to the Egyptian workers and people that are carrying out important struggles in several cities of Egypt, especially in Almahalla Alkobra, against the high prices, for the rise in salaries and against the monopolies and neoliberalism.

The Portuguese communists express their most vehement condemnation and demand the immediate halt of the violent repression and provocation campaign of the Egyptian government against the Communist Party of Egypt, other progressive organizations and the workers that continue the struggle.

The Portuguese Communist Party high regards the Egyptian workers’ courage and steadfastness, which in such difficult conditions are affirming their inalienable right of struggling for better life conditions and for the respect of the Egyptian people’s labor, social and political rights.

We send you dear comrades our fraternal greetings,

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