“Long live Cuba!”

Translated “Avante!” article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department

Trump announced the USA decision to revert the advances achieved in the process of normalizing its bilateral relations with Cuba, during the last two years – after which diplomatic relations had been re-established, on December 14th, 2014 – with the purpose of changing the political, economic and social system, stopping the people of Cuba to perform, free from any kind of interference, its present and future, in Miami, June 16th.

During 58 years – 55 of which under a criminal economic, financial and trade blockade, imposed by the USA -, the Cuban revolution represents an outstanding example of courage and revolutionary creativity, entrusted to the cause of freedom, workers, women and children emancipation, engaged in the right to a full and happy childhood, tenaciousness before the permanent imperialism aggression, of abnegated patriotism and internationalist solidarity, determination of defending and proceeding the building of a new socialist society.

A revolution, that permanently seeks the answers for new problems and huge challenges, promoting a constant and wide democratic participation of workers and great popular masses –with a major role of women and youth -, organized and united round their Party, promoting mobilization, the debate and the conscientious involvement in the performing of the modernization process, and, among other important aspects, the Cuban socialist development economic and social model, its guidelines for the economic and social development between 2016 and 2021 or even the development national plan until 2030 ( the latter undergoing discussion), the gigantic challenge concerning the productive forces’ development, the answer to the immense multiplicity of tasks in order to insure the constant improvement of the Cuban people’s life conditions.

The socialist Cuba dignified and courageous resistance and struggle, its heroic people ought but rise the respect and solidarity of all those that defend sovereignty and national independence, democracy, social progress, friendship and cooperation among all peoples, throughout the world.

Socialist Cuba assumes a huge significance for the world, proving it is possible to confront and win imperialism aggressive action, even within the correlation forces, at a worldwide level framework, which are not favourable to peace forces, national liberation, social progress and socialism.

When imperialism, namely the North-American, launches itself in a violent destabilization offensive, in order to revert the progressive and revolutionary advances, which mark the Latin-American and Caribbean reality, the Cuban revolution is present to reaffirm the path of resistance and struggle to defeat imperialisms’ projects and encourage the trust concerning the possibility of a world of social progress and peace.

Solidarity with Cuba and its people just struggle, in the defence of sovereignty and its socialist homeland independence, in order to stop the criminal blockade and the Guantanamo North-American base, imposed by North-American imperialism, is a topical and urgent question.

  • Chronic International