Translated “Avante!” article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department
Steinmeier, the minister of Foreign Affairs – and probably the future German president -, states that, with Trump “the XX century old world order is totally over” (in RT, 2017.01.22). Famous commentators cry out the end of the world “liberal order”. Beyond real contradictions, a gigantic illusionism operation is in process, to make belief that tragedies and suffering, that worldwide capitalism surely ought to bring upon the peoples ( whoever the USA president ought to be) are the fault of the White House watch tenant. And, on the recent past tragedies and suffering –since the wars, that destroyed the Middle East, Ukraine and other regions , unto the peoples’ forced impoverishment whilst well-fed bankers receive public money amounts – ought to be later on remembered, falsely, as the Milk, Honey and Liberal Order Promised Land.
Christmas Season brought on another example of the true “liberal order”. The IMF director-general, the always intransigent peoples’ butcher, in the name of public funds “rigour” and “ positive administration”, was condemned for negligence by a French special court, that judges government members. But, however, no penalty was applied, nor she ought to loose her IMF post. The story is not constructive, but, on the contrary very instructive. Bernard Tapie, was named minister , by the then president and “his friend” Miterrand, in 1992. At that time, Cesar’s wives had to be virtuous and Tapie was advised to sell his major participation in Adidas, an operation administrated by the Crédit Lyonnais bank. The following year, Adidas was sold for over the double value paid to Tapie , who felt aggrieved and appealed to court. Tapie changes horse and supports Sarkosy, in 2007. With Sarkozy as president and Lagarde, his minister of economy and finance, the Tapie case is withdrawn from the courts and delivered to an arbitral commission, that comments on the 403 million Euro (!) given to Tapie, as a compensation for suffered damages. The State Participation Agency (APE) repeatedly is opposed and writes on the issue, but Lagarde, the tutelage APE minister, advances with the compensation, that meanwhile, given the Crédit Lyonnais bankruptcy, uses the public safes. The Paris Appeal Court, in 2015, considers the arbitral commission opinion is a “fraud”, given the “ old, tight and repeated” liaisons with one of its three members regarding Tapie and his lawyer (in Le Monde, 2016.07.22). Lagarde’s former head of cabinet and currently the director-general of the giant French media Orange, Stefane Richard, is “under formal investigation for “ organized fraud suspicion”, regarding the case (in New York Times, 2014.08.27). But Lagarde carries on dictating troikas’ cuts on the peoples, worldwide, receiving over half a million dollars per year, free tax. (in the Guardian, 2012.05.22) and under the applause of the “liberal order”. In 2009, the financial Times declared her the best European minister of finance and Bill Clinton’s Treasury ex-secretary ,states currently that “she is the best that ever happened to the IMF for a very long time”, the French court sentence being a “black day for the French justice” (in the Guardian, 2016.12.19).
Lagarde previous predecessor in the IMF was Strauss Kahn, a hotel employees “admirer”. Who succeed to the Spanish Rodrigo Rato, vice-president of a PP government, and arrested in Spain, in 2015, accused of “ fraud, embezzlement appropriation of commodities and capital whitening” (in El País, 2015.04.17). Rato drove the Spanish Bankia bank to bankruptcy in 2012 and his name is part of the Panama Papers. A virtuous rigour overdose.
For peoples, to choose between Trump and the “liberal order” is as if considering the Gambino family or Meyer Lansky administrating the Havana casinos. Much better to follow Fidel and the Cuban Revolution or the October Revolution , 58 and 100 years ago :turn them all out.