Translated “Avante!” article by Luís Carapinha, member of the International Department of PCP
As Aleppo and Syria, recently, Venezuela is amid the limelight of an authentic media massacre, that serves a programmed agenda for the great corporative interests and imperialism decision centres. In these disturbed times, the sharpening of the capitalist structural crisis, misinformation is, more and more, a massive destruction weapon. This, à propos of the contrast between the beastly campaign against the Bolivarian Venezuela, that runs amid the great global media chains, and the obscurity or absence, to which Latin American reality is devoted.
Considering a general scope of a region that carries on to hold one of the greatest world indexes of social inequality, as what concerns the real situation in different countries. And therefore, as an example, the institutional coup in Brazil is vanishing in the media horizon, in a moment when the antidemocratic threat grows within the country. Dragging the outstanding corruption foam, centring lights on a sensational feast round the Lava-Jato and the chair round-about in decrease. Behind, the Temer’s government retrocession brutal anti-social policies – and illegitimate -, the offensive against labour rights (including the 12 hours timetable implementation), the agrarian reform drawback and the condition of millions of destitute , unemployed and no-land peasants.
One ought not to interpolate and reveal the aggravated austerity core, the neoliberal breath recuperation, the national wealth plunder and the North-American imperialism and financial interests submission. And in Colombia, the oligarchy carries on concealing and jeopardizing the peace agreements, whilst hundreds of union workers and social leaders’ assassination is kept in deep silence, every year; the million of peasants that remain as refugees.
They are not news, and do not aspire to a campaign, the paramilitary do not disarm, the Uribes genocide cries, the USA military bases. Or even the neoliberal renewal Argentina that since Macri dismissals have gone up to hundreds of thousand, poverty indexes begin to increase and both hunger and child mal-nutrition expand. And the country is once again indebted to pay speculation vulture funds…
And Mexico, the face of a history that carries on, of an open veins Latin America, the plotters , the remaining traffics, native discrimination, 43 students assassination to be clarified, tens of thousand killed in the organized silent war crime. As the forgotten Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Paraguay and many other countries’ cases. All so close to the USA… But, beware, as peoples resist, struggle and make revolutions.
As socialist Cuba, resisting to a criminal blockade for 60 years. Or the Bolivarian revolution that carries on halting manipulation industry professionals and afloat journalism.