Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
The Latin America situation deserves one’s greatest attention. On seeking to profit from the crisis explosion shock waves, which it generated, and that, currently, are suffering deep repercussions concerning the economic situation within many countries in this sub-continent, the USA are carrying out a methodical and wide counter-offensive within Latin America.
On trying to keep up the initiative that the situation’s evolution provided, imperialism tries to recuperate the lost land with the expressive advances achieved by the progressive and revolutionary forces in Latin America and the Caribbean, during the last 15 years. Advances that opened the path to diverse sovereign development processes, to a significant improvement of life conditions of great part of the population, torn away from poverty, to important cooperation and integration spaces – which, namely, brought an end to the USA imposed isolation towards Cuba - , lending a draw-back unto neo-liberal forces and the USA.
Conscientious of the fragilities, contradictions, limits and difficulties each of those processes face, the USA intensifies its systematic interference, incentivising and agglutinating the most reactionary forces, in countries where the latter suffered hard coups, by using its influence and economic, ideological and political power, in order to promote destabilization amid those major processes of sovereign and anti-imperialist affirmation, of progressive and revolutionary transformation, creating , when possible, conditions for its revert.
And that is how the reactionary forces and even, coup forces, conquered some of the important institutional positions in Argentina and Venezuela, used currently to potentiate their destabilization and destruction action. And so, the destabilization and coup nature action carries on in Brazil, the latest motive being the built provocation against Lula da Silva, with the purpose of weakening the hope he represents for million of Brazilian people. And therefore, the pressure increases on the Ecuador and Bolivia.
And the North-American blockade carries on, against Cuba. The USA and the Latin-American oligarchies carry on acting against all the countries, in Latin America and the Caribbean, defending their sovereignty and their peoples legitimate interests, which in some way, conflict, resist and reject imperialism dictates and domain.
However, one ought to underline that the USA and their local allies are confronted with difficulties on carrying ahead their dark intentions. Struggles worsen. Fields are clarified. Confronting difficulties, seeking for more adequate answers before each new situation, the revolutionary and progressive forces resist the counter-offensive in the different countries. Courage and persistence struggles. During which, by defending the advances and achievements attained, at the very same time, the conditions that allow new advances and achievements. Struggles that demand the workers’ and the wide popular masses organized mobilization in the defence of their rights, towards democratic changes. Struggles, as experience proves, are reinforced by the revolutionary and progressive forces’ convergence and unity, against the common enemy.
Before the great challenges placed to Latin America, solidarity with the Latin-America and Caribbean peoples towards national sovereignty and independence, democratic and progressive advances, revolutionary changes, the building of socialism, urges more than ever.