Release from the PCP Press Office

On the latest developments in Brazil

The refusal of Habeas Corpus filed by Lula da Silva in Brazil's Supreme Court represents yet another step in the consummation of the institutional coup d'état, begun in 2016, with the scandalous deposition of the legitimate President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and the imposition of a government which is destroying everything that was very positive for the Brazilian people since 2003, during the mandates of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.

Under the cloak of "justice" by a judicial system clearly aligned with the coup, a shameful political process is underway which, while providing cover to the corrupt, anti-popular and repressive government of Michel Temer, seeks at all costs to prevent Lula da Silva's candidacy for the 2018 presidential elections.

Faced with such a serious situation, in which, besieged by growing popular discontent and opposition, the coup already promotes actions of violence of a fascist nature against demonstrations in support of Lula and stirs up the phantom of a military coup, the PCP once again expresses its outrage and strong condemnation and demands the end of the persecution of Lula da Silva and of Brazilian democrats and progressive people, and calls for solidarity with the workers and the people of Brazil in their struggle for democracy and against a putschist and repressive power.