Translated "Avante" article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the PCP Political Committee
Once more, the huge danger of the world witness, the crime of use of nuclear weapons, is not removed, but otherwise, increasing. And this is not a drift over the last weeks, it is enough to remind the inclusion of the NATO strategic concept of the admissibility of the use of nuclear weapons, the governments’ statements, such as the British, of reaffirming the possibility of that use, the recent performance undergone by the USA of “ the mother of all bombs” or even the investments and tests carried out by the USA, in the last years, including tests of ballistic missiles to transport nuclear warheads, that ought to attack any part of the world.
The nuclear issue has been gaining importance, during the last weeks, amid the international political agenda, in result of the developments concerning the Korean Peninsula. The genuine and just concerns regarding peace add many lines in manipulation to whiten the USA and other nuclear powers’ role, to present the imperialist militarist strategy as justifiable, in the region.
On the nuclear issue, it is important to underline some facts, moreover the conflict in the Korea Peninsula has been used, within Portugal, as an anti-communist campaign of slander and lies regarding the PCP’s positions.
The PCP is proud of its position, of being the Party that, within Portugal, holds the greatest heritage concerning the struggle against nuclear weapons and other weapons of massive destruction, defending its non-proliferation and abolition, via a simultaneous and controlled nuclear disarmament process.
The nuclear weapons’ development, undergone by the Korea Democratic Popular Republic (KDPR), in the opposite direction to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, cannot erase the USA responsibility by the focus of tension, that permanently occurs within the Korea Peninsula, the development of more and more sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons carried out by the NATO powers and the permanent provocations in the Far East and South Pacific region. One ought to underline that the USA, in the possession of over 7600 nuclear warheads, carried out more nuclear tests than any other country, worldwide. It was the only country to use the nuclear weapon – in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – and the only one that holds nuclear weapons in other countries. It is responsible for the anti-missile system development, designed to allow the use of the nuclear weapon in a first attack. It finances and trades weapons and technology to countries that hold non-declared nuclear weapons and openly disrespect international law, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.
As how to make history, that remained still for decades, go forward, upon the Korea Peninsula split, in the result of imperialism aggression, the PCP defends the Korea peaceful reunification. A reunification involving disarmament, de-nuclearisation and the North-American military forces departure. That is the objective that ought to respond to the real interests of the people of Korea and peace in the region.
Currently, what is important, is contention and détente, by analysing all aspects of that conflict, omitting unilateral visions, advancing towards dialogue and a political solution. This is the unique possible path towards Peace. Independently of one’s opinion, regarding the KDPR, diabolizing only serves the interests of the “war party”, which considers the Korean Peninsula as another platform for intervention and war in the region.