
Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

Concerning the EU and the international financial great capital plans, the Italian elections turned out to be a defeat. The electoral objective was clear: to proceed with Mario Monti’s austerity measures, militarism and federalism, through the Democratic Party (PD) so-called “ centre-left wing” coalition. In the end, the outcome did not achieve the majority, the popular vote, nor the Senate’s seats.

One ought not to underestimate Monti’s defeat. All is about big fish. Having been an European commissioner, the Trilateral European president, connected to the Bilderberg group and the financial gigantic Goldman Sachs, Mario Monti became head of the Italian government , not by electoral via, but instead, an orchestrated coup amid the EU command centres, and influence from Napolitano, the president of the Republic, an ex-CPI. It is not a coincidence that his nomination as prime-minister, in November 2011, occurred 12 days upon another Italian, Mario Draghi, connected to the great financial capital, took office as the Central European Bank CEO president (one of the troika’s three pillars). Draghi had been the Goldman Sachs vice-president and the World Bank executive director, besides as the BIS ( Bank International Settlements) director (the bankers’ bank) and his arrival at the ECB coincided with an intense financial speculation which gave ground for the replacement of the unpredictable Berlusconi by a “ technician government”. Monti, acclaimed by the regime’s media, enhanced the attack policies against workers and the people, carried out by both the “ centre- left-wing” and Berlusconi’s previous governments. Carried away by the polls, he anticipated the elections and immediately after participated in the campaign with a new party. Receiving shy supports from the EU, Merkel, Obama and the Vatican. His electoral defeat ( reaching but 10% of the votes) is outstanding . It is the proof , and an aggravating factor, of the EU and the European capitalism crisis.

The Italians’ huge social discontent is the elections negative side, which resulted in an abstention increase (5%) or is capitalized by forces holding ambiguous and obscure contours ( Grillo’s 5 Star Movement) and by Berlusconi himself. Both demagogically proclaimed opposition unto austerity and demarked themselves from both the EU and the Euro. On the left, the Italian communist parties (ICPd and CRP), in coalition with the Green and the judge Di Pietro’s party, achieved poor results, and once again, remained out of parliament. Smashed by the media silence, the “useful vote” and the electoral law pressures, ought to have undergone with a personified electoral option, which washed away names and party symbols, together with their participation in “centre-left-wing” governments, which policies were, fundamentally, dictated by the great capital and the EU.

The EU’s headquarters reacts as usually: ignoring the electoral results. Durão Barroso has stated that Monti’s defeat “does not signify his policy or that of the EU, are wrong” and makes an appeal “ to not give in to populism”. Napolitano has announced that” Monti’s government will represent Italy in the European Counsel, in mid-March, assuming all the necessary responsibilities in his policy continuity”. Future is uncertain. But one ought to be attentive to the central role, the great capital coups, and to Napolitano and the DP leaders, which were featured in the de-characterization and liquidation of the greatest Western Europe communist party. The “Euro-communism” degenerated unto the “Euro-troikism”, for the sake of workers’ and the people’s tragedy. But sooner or later, the Italian workers will know how to rebuild their great revolutionary class party. ,

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