Actividade Internacional
Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties from EU countries about the 5th EU-LAC summit
16 May 2008
Intervenção de Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Bureau and of International Department of PCP, Beirut, Lebanon, Solidarity Meeting of Communist and Left Parties in Europe and Arab Countries
“Facing the American Escalation in the region”
30 April 2008
Intervenção de Luis Carapinha, member of the International Department of PCP, International Conference of the CP of Ukraine
«Forced expansion of NATO towards the East: problems of European security»
2 April 2008
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
Jerónimo Sousa greets the elected Presidents of the Republic of Cuba and of the Republic of Cyprus
25 February 2008
Declaration on Kosovo
16 February 2008
Intervenção de Chris Matlhako, membro no Bureau Político do Partido Comunista Sul Africano, responsável pelas Relações Internacionais, Lisboa, Seminário: «África – desafios do desenvolvimento, do progresso social e da soberania»
Statement of the South African Communist Party
1 December 2007