The PCP salutes the struggle of women on this March 8 for the resolution of their problems, fighting the "straitjacket" of resignation they want to impose on them, defending the raising of their living conditions and the enforcement of their rights.
We mark International Women's Day at a time defined by the worsening of women's living and working conditions, in which certain forces seek to impose “normal” setbacks in their social condition, disguised by the discourse of valuing their role in combating the epidemic.
The PCP reaffirms its determination to address the epidemic and its impacts, while facing the spiral of worsening exploitation, inequalities, discrimination and violence against women.
Give strength to the everyday struggle!
Women's lives cannot go on like this:
• Redoubled demands imposed by the epidemic and lockdown, both for those who leave home to work and for those who are teleworking;
• The home cannot be at the same time a workplace, a classroom and a family space;
• Precarious employment leads thousands of working women to be without a job and without a salary;
• The fact that women's wages are lower is a decisive factor for them to stay at home to accompany their children given the closing of daycare centres and schools;
• Thousands of women workers and micro and small female businesspeople strongly penalized by the suspension of activities in all sectors;
• It is increasingly difficult to organise family and domestic life, support children and relatives in situations of dependency;
• Worsening situations of inequality and poverty;
• Increase of situations of isolation, loneliness and social marginalisation, particularly among elderly women and women with disabilities;
With the PCP
Address the epidemic and its impacts
• Strengthen the National Health Service and valorise its professionals. Bet on prevention and public health. Increase screening and testing, guarantee effective and fast vaccination for all.
• Guarantee 100% payment when accompanying children up to 16 years of age.
With the determination of the PCP, it was possible to ensure that workers under lay-off were paid their wages in full in 2021. It is now necessary to continue to fight to end the injustice of wage cuts for those who are forced to stay at home to accompany their children.
Equality in work and life
Enforce women's rights
• Valorise the work and careers of women workers;
• End precarious work;
• Implement the principle of equal pay for equal work, a general increase in wages and of the national minimum wage to 850 euros;
• Reduce weekly working hours to 35 hours for all workers;
• Guarantee free daycare centres for all children and increase the public pre-school network;
• Create a public support network for the elderly and develop the long-term care network, and support informal caregivers;
• Reinforce human, financial and technical resources to ensure a public, articulated and decentralised response to prevent and combat domestic violence;
• Prevent and combat prostitution as a serious form of exploitation and violence against women and adopt alternative programmes for women in prostitution.
PCP and the emancipatory struggle of women
“The struggle of women in the last 100 years has counted on the PCP as the staunchest and consistent defender of their profound aspirations and emancipatory claims.
The emancipation of women means, on the one hand, the emancipation of the female worker from capitalist oppression and, on the other, the emancipation of women in general from the discrimination, inequality and injustice to which they are subjected due to their sex.
The emancipation of women is a fully topical cause and project with expression in the struggle of women for the resolution of their concrete problems, for their specific rights, inseparable from the more general struggle of workers and people against all forms of exploitation and oppression.
The emancipation of women and socialism are demands of the present and of the future.”