Translated “Avante!” article by Albano Nunes, Member of the International Department
News coming from the USA ought never to be underestimated. The most commented man , whose obscene behaviour is being highlighted by the worldwide media, is, in reality, a dangerous USA establishment issue and it is very disturbing that, within the president’s election context, of the most powerful capitalist country, the most obscurantist and reactionary forces are emerging amid the North-American society, and therefore, such a character ventures to take such serious decisions, such as the “executive action” that stops the entry in the USA of citizens coming from several majority muslin countries, associating provocatively Islam to terrorism.
This reality, an adventurous expression of imperialism’s nature, however ought never to whiten or forget the North-American imperialism aggression and war escalade inherited by Trump, as if Obama and Mrs Clinton were harmless peace pigeons, when what they developed, was a non-stop succession of aggression wars throughout all continents, in particular the Middle East. Trump’s figure, along with the political profile of those he is nominating for his administration are highly disturbing, but not least disturbing is the fact it is being used as a pretext for dramatic appeals so that the USA ought not to slow down its “ indispensable” role as “the world order guardians”, reinforcing NATO and permitting a new increase in the run to armaments. Or, concerning the European Union case, amid a real existential crisis, to justify federalism reinforcement, from the attack to rights and fundamental freedoms along with militarism. And that is what, important EU leaders are claiming, such as Federica Mogherini who, in a recent article (in O Publico, 2017.01.25) defends “ ambitious measures on defence”, the “cooperation reinforcement with our main partners concerning security, starting by NATO”, the increase of military expenditure in order to “achieve the 2% objective fixed for NATO’s allies”. The “strong and united” Europe, that the “ EU South countries Summit” has just claimed for , in Lisbon. Particularly important are the Great-Britain prime-minister’s statements during her visit to the USA, declaring that, after all, Trump is “100% with NATO” and claiming for the military expenditure increase by this aggressive alliance member states. At the very same time ( and thriving to obtain negotiable strength in the Brexit process), exalted the “special relationship” between Great Britain and the USA, recalling “ the freedoms president Reagan and prime-minister Thatcher took unto East Europe”.
Nervousness amid the imperialist field is visible. Theresa May’s visit to the USA is an example of political-diplomatic moves in which capitalist world leaders are involved and seek to win the greatest piece of the cake regarding workers and peoples exploitation worldwide, comparable to a new world division in sphere influences. The new disturbing factors amid international relations, that involve the Triad powers – USA, EU /Germany, Japan – are a deepening expression of capitalism structural crisis. Within the larger framework of the vast rearrangement forces process, the relations among the capitalist main countries suffer adjustments and realignments with influence over the international situation. The latter being another reason to demand Portugal to take upon a courageous sovereignty and national independence policy, the only direction to impede our country to become the tool of inter-imperialist disputes and contradictions.