"Illegal veridict"

"Avante!" Article by Rui Paz, collaborator of the International Department

The Hague International Court of Justice decided to reexamine the Serbian territorial integrity and the United Nations' Security Consel 1244 resolution, which regulates the Kosovo statute and that province Provisiory Administration's competences. Following the ad hoc court of justice parodia against Yugoslavia, created by the Security Councel, but better known as NATO's court, and which costed president Milosevic's life, another International Court which, by its closer attachement to the UN should guarantee a certain independence stance, decided to capitulate before the USA's and Germany's demands, states which, during the last decades were mostly engaged both in the the breaking up of the Yugoslavia Federal Republic and the military aggression perpetration against Belgrad. Of the 192 UN members only 69, the agressor powers and their satellites, recognized Kosovo, up to now..

But mostly chocking is the juridical stratagem used by the group of judges which decided to pass judgement on that Serbian 's province independence declaration by the Pristina parliament as being legal, knowing that court was violating its competences. And, as this was one of the major juridical obstacles to the Court and NATO's allignment with the agressor countries, they simply decided, on their own initiative, to consider that parliament as " representative of the Kosovo population beyond the Provisiory Administration framework". Once more, the justice instrumental subversion carries on serving in order to judge the appearences of the aggressions', purposes and methods of the imperialist powers legality.

In order to favour Washington and Berlin, the Court decided to tear appart the UN's Chart.

Even though, not having any practical value, nevertheless its concerning that, the IJC might whiten the military intervention, obliging humanity to draw back to the time of the period before the Society of Nations and the Paris Conference in 1919.

The pressures carried out by the USA, Germany and other European powers on the UN, currently, are extremely dangerous, by the discredit to which they might conduct that international organization. Its all peace-loving people's duty to prevent the UN's subordination by NATO, the imperialism military power, and undergo the respect of all states to live in peace,respecting their borders, and their political, economical and cultural sovereignty. The " Peace yes NATO no" campaign, which within Portugal, congregates more than 100 organizations currently ( among which the PCP) and is organizing till November, inumerous events against NATO and its summit objectives, scheduled in Lisbon, for November, being an important contribution for the battle for justice, peace and cooperation among peoples.

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