Salute Secretariat of the Central Committee

Greeting to the Communist Party of Greece by election results

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece

Dear Comrades,

In learning of the final results of the general election in your country, we wish to convey our greetings for the KKE's result, reflected in an electoral
advance of your Party, which is all the more important as it was achieved in a context of difficult political and ideological struggle.

The recent developments in your country clearly testify the complexity and the demanding nature of the struggle of the Greek workers and people. But, at the same time, they express a true desire for change and a strong condemnation of the anti-social and anti-popular policies of big capital.

We therefore wish to reiterate the Portuguese Communists' permanent solidarity with your persistent struggle in defence of the rights and aspirations of the Greek people, a struggle which we consider inseparable from our own struggle in Portugal, as well as from the peoples' more general struggle against big capital and imperialism, for social progress, peace and socialism.

  • Central
  • Political Statements
  • Greece