by Luis Carapinha

«A gift of God»

Translated "Avante!" article by Luís Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department
The international front events succeed, at an almost hallucinating rhythm, during, this northern hot summer. It ought to be enough to refer, by chronologic order: the Brexit earthquake and its long chock waves; the terrorist attempt at the Istanbul airport, upon the announcement of the Turkey and Russia relations reactivation; the most deadly terrorist attack in the last decade, in Bagdad; the NATO summit in Warsaw and the militarist obsession against Russia; the Abe’s party , in the elections for the High House, in Japan; the discredited Hague Court decision on the territorial dispute, in the South China Sea and the USA “pivot for Asia” intensification, with the objective of achieving China’s contention; David Cameron’s step down; the terrible killing in Nice, on the Bastille Day, followed by the state of emergence, in force, since November; and, at last, the frustrated state military coup attempt in Turkey, a country holding the second biggest NATO army.

Diverse events, which respond to an international situation, imbued by contradictions and complexity. Holding a common denominator as background; the capitalism structural crisis aggravation and the serious risk of a new global financial cracking, of greater proportions, considering the 2008-2009 recession, as the most serious capitalism crisis since the Great Depression.

For all that carries on within a neuralgic country for the world geopolicy, as a prominent NATO member, the failed putsch in Turkey, is an event of the greatest relevance. One ought to remember that the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) arrival to power, in 2003, reflects (and directs) the popular rejection feelings, of decades, against a military dictatorship. The real framework of a defeated coup, with an outcome of about 300 deceased balance, is not clear. Nevertheless, its consequences are visible. Before all, Erdogan and the AKP reactionary power, holding the capacity of calling for support on the streets, profit the situation to retread its legitimacy and, above all, deepen considerably the popular, autocratic and repressive direction. Erdogan rushed to announce the failed coup was a “Gift of God” which ought to allow a deep armed forces cleansing.

But the purge is not but the armed forces and the police. It covers Justice and most probably the political sector, emphasizing expression freedom restrictions, as well as the Fascist prosecutor direction, intensified upon the involvement in the aggression to Syria, and the support to terrorist groups. However, there exists another sounding and explosive element which marks this coup: the suspicion of the USA involvement. The Turkish base commander, in Incirlick, was arrested and the aerial space in the surroundings, which also lodges NATO forces and USA tactic nuclear weapons, was closed up. John Kerry, the secretary of state, was obliged to reject the USA’s participation insinuations, in the plot. Ankara demands Fetullah Gulen, a clergyman, extradition from the USA, Erdogan’s former compagnon de route, during the neotomanist and anti-secular crusade, accused to organize the coup. Several annalists identify Gullen as a CIA active member, concerning the imperialism manoeuvre in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Above all, from the USA and the EU, advice resounds unto the NATO ally, concerning the “ State of Law”. The emergence of tensions and intestine contradictions within the imperialist field, is a character in evidence, in the current instable conjuncture. The Turkey case, along with the complex complicity, divergence and chocks in presence of the entangles bundle – beginning by the transnational great capital domain over its economy and ending in the detonator effect of the intervention war failure, in Syria, incapable of performing its main objective -, is an outstanding element to be followed with the greatest attention.

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