"G20 - a handful of nothing? "

Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC and Member of the InternationaL Department

The G20 “leader” summit, which took place last week, in Cannes, highly explains the current moment one is living on what concerns the international level and the stage of the deepening of the capitalism structural crisis.

After several summits, insisting in the false and worn out “ recovery” speech, the G20 has just recognized in its final statement, that “since our last summit the world recovery has weakened, in particular within the developed countries“, equally referring to the “ unacceptable unemployment level”, “ increase of pressure amid the financial markets”, “ slow growth within the emerging markets” and yet the resources materials markets and the world imbalances. In that same statement, the growing considerations on food and energetic crisis are also mentioned.

In other words, the G20 has just recognized, in an imperialist nature summit language style, the deepening of the capitalism structural crisis in its different aspects. It ends up by highlighting the growing tensions both among the several centres of the capitalist triad (USA, EU and Japan), and these and the so-called emergent countries and, finally, demonstrates, although in an indirect manner, that the measures the G20 itself pledged and pledges, not only did not resolve any problems, but contributed for their deepening.

And this has taken place, not because of the powers’ conscience alarm warning, that carry on settling these summits ’outcomes - specially the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France. And this occurs as it is already impossible to hinder the economic and financial crisis amplitude within the most important world capitalist centres and being necessary to dramatize situations as of the European Union, in order to deviate attentions from some of the main world economy problems - mainly the North-American economy situation - and in order to involve countries such as China and Brazil in the capitalism crisis “bailout”, a strategy which, was refused by the latter, for now.

But it also occurs because an ideological and political gigantic operation is in progress which, starting from both the recognition and the situation’s media dramatization, attempts to “globalize” the theory of the inevitable, resignation and fear, therefore proceeding imperialism’s strategy of social and civilization regression under the name of the supposed “ fight against the crisis”. A strategy which, more and more , passes by the inflexible imposition on peoples - if necessary via the use of weapons - of a “new paradigm” based on the exploitation exponential increase and the workers and peoples oppression, amid a huger capital concentration and centralization, recolonization agenda, militarist and interference and in major attacks to democracy and peoples’ rights, namely national sovereignty.

From the real solutions for the deep economic and social crisis point of view, which affects almost world-wide, the G20 conclusions are undoubtfully a handful of nothing, which also occurred with the EU summits. But such a fact does not signify the imperialist offensive has slowed down, on the contrary. The recent events totally demonstrate that, within the framework of a very fast crisis deepening and of the inter-imperialist contradictions aggravation, dangers are increasing. The political and ideological manoeuvre operated in Greece, round the “national unity” in order to impose by force unto the Greek people new “austerity” measures and to hold back the strengthening of the masses’ and social struggle, as well as Israel, USA and Great-Britain’s threats, concerning the possibility of a new military adventure against Iran, are two very good examples that the summits apparent non-efficiency is, in reality another expression of the violent run ahead. ,

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