Partido Comunista Português Galeria de Fotografias Demonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», Lisbon 17 June 2023 Demonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», Lisbon Demonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», LisbonDemonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!», Lisbon Português Share Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Messenger
Ver Galeria Demonstration for Peace in the Middle East. For the end of the occupation of Palestine 29 October 2023