Translated "Avante!"article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
The Germany Federal Parliament elections, that ought to take place on September 24th next, were tacitly erected to be the moment upon which – how could one ever suspect the reasons… - the German government would “be able” to seriously begin, the so-called debate on the European Union’s future. A signal that represents how and who, after all, holds the baton of the European capitalist integration. Far are the times when the communists were the only ones who unmasked the so-called “European democracy” as an authentic fraud, stripping naked the European Union as an instrument to ensure the great powers political and economic domain – particularly in Germany – and therefore, impose the supremacy of the economic and financial great groups.
The outbreak of another serious crisis’ high peak, 10 years ago, within the general framework of the capitalism structural crisis, sharpened ( and highlighted) the European Union contradictions. Its brutal response by intensifying exploitation; increasing the attacks on labour and social rights; imposition of the great financial groups’ safeguard at the cost of the public treasury; a real assault, carried out by the great powers against the so-called “periphery” countries, headed by Germany, showed the European Union’s real purposes and its intrinsic nature, therefore answering, in a clear and crude manner, to the question to which its serves, served and ought to carry on serving.
Shook by the sharpening of its contradictions and growing antagonisms, as the Great Britain’s announced exit – sovereignly chosen by the people of Great Britain, the European Union reacts multiplying statements, reaffirming not only its federalist, neoliberal and militarist nature, but deepening the latter, at the same time it launches a so-called “debate” round hypothetical “scenarios” on the EU’s future – nothing else than a game of illusionary choices – that are but a hypocrisy and mystification exercise, that aims to limit and condition the discussion within the EU maintenance and deepening framework and its policies.
If any doubts persisted regarding the EU’s character and on what ought to be expected of this “European project”, more than “European” rhetoric, one ought to call upon the facts. For example, the EU signed a Free Trade treaty with Canada, called the CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement), its ratification ought to have been possibly voted in Portugal, yesterday, by the PS,PSD and the CDS. It is a treaty that has as a purpose to advance into trade and services liberalization, including public services, pointed out to eliminate impediments concerning the transnational action. A treaty that does not entail social, labour, environment and public health safeguard and conducts unto the possibility of the productive capacity deregulation, un-protection and destruction. The CETA equally establishes principles, rules and mechanisms that pretend to hold prevalence over the states sovereign institutions and their internal juridical order – inserted within the objective of creating and imposing a juridical order, at a global level, opening the way for transnational domain and plunder. Therefore, this is the European Union’s nature, and the more it is palmed, is inherent to it.