Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro

“The essence of history”

“The essence of history”

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department

The international situation developments demand a permanent and deep approach, namely regarding the major trends, which evolution, alias, has confirmed in its essential, the correction of the great analysis and fundamental thesis lines, pointed out during the PCP’s XIX Congress.
As highlighted in the PCP’s Central Committee communiqué, upon its recent meeting, for a correct understanding of the current international situation, it is necessary to be conscientious of the structural capitalism crisis deepening ,which carries on to determinate its main developments. Alias, as reflected by the fact of the most recent and lasting crisis explosion, which begun in the USA, in 2008, and not having been overcome, its effects carry on, not only amid the main capitalist powers, but at a worldwide level.
Within the structural crisis framework, capitalism seeks to go as far as possible, by intensifying workers exploitation, with the brutal consequences for their life conditions, spreading poverty and continuously incrementing the accumulation and concentration of capital and wealth.
Imperialism, the USA’s in advantage, launches itself in a methodical and generalized aggression upon all those who resist or are considered to be an obstacle to its world supremacy. For that , it chooses to, unscrupulously, to instrumentalize the most different situations in order to – under intense campaigns which dissimulate its real intentions and objectives – to impose its domain on resources, countries and regions.
However, and as reality proves, before this brutal offensive, workers and peoples have answered with their courageous determination and struggle, as well as countries ( and in articulation of countries) which seek and affirm their paths towards development, away from imperialism’s domain framework.
In this context, many important changes have been taking place, namely in the economic plan, with great implications at world level, its evolution direction ought to depend of a wide and complex group of factors, as the peoples struggle for their national sovereignty and independence, working class struggle, workers, popular masses against exploitation and oppression or instead, action ( and articulation) among states which oppose imperialism supremacy intents.

Within a framework which affirms capitalism’s exploiter, oppressor, aggressive and predator nature, and in which, consequently, class struggle intensifies – expressed in the most various manners, in complex and diverse situations, by defining diverse immediate tasks and objectives - , the international situation evolution confirms that, being imperialism’s offensive holding serious dangers, at the same time, real resistance and struggle development potentialities are placed, and that ought to stop the most reactionary and aggressive imperialism sectors, by imposing retreats and achieving important conquests and progressive and revolutionary changes.
Challenges are complex and great are the demands, the current situation asks for, but great is the conviction of justice of the social and national emancipation ideal, for which one struggles for. The more difficulties might seem to be and obstacles insurmountable, its inevitable that resistance, workers and peoples’ struggle grow, in the defence of their interests and desires. With confidence, courage and determination, future belongs, not to those who exploit and oppress, but to those who offer resistance and struggle, in order to History move forward.

Original version in Avante!

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