by Pedro Guerreiro

"Elections in North America "

Translated “Avante!” article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department

These words are written preceding the outcome of the presidential elections in North America, upon a degrading electoral campaign performed by two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, an “imposed” choice upon the people of North America, along with the eruption of contradictions, by the system’s parties – Democratic Party and Republican Party -, at the cost of many hundreds of millions of dollars and the performance of the great media groups, owed by the economic-financial great corporations.

The North-American presidential elections have taken place upon Barack Obama’s two mandates, from the beginning of 2009 and the promises of “change”, from the crisis explosion peak, in 2007/8, centred within the USA. Upon eight years, the successive measures by injecting thousand of millions of dollars in the financial system had as an effect an anaemic growth economy, that was unable to overcome the crisis, ten years after, nor contradict the tendency of a relative economic decline, in spite of the authentic plunder carried out by the USA, at a world level. The North-American society is marked by deep and growing injustices, inequalities and social discriminations.

Concerning the external policy, “change” marked time. Upon eight years, the Guantanamo military base remains. The war between the USA and Afghanistan carries on. The United States of America commit troops unto Iraq, from where they never left. USA drones kill. Libya and its state, were brutally destroyed. Syria was assaulted by mercenary groups and its sovereignty and territorial integrity disrespected. In Ukraine, the USA promoted a coup , perpetrated by oligarchs and fascists groups. The USA’s anti-missile system installing in Europe is in progress and currently in Asia. The Russian threat “hysteria” is recuperating. The agreement with Iran, although signed down, waits for the USA’s ratification. Some steps were given regarding Cuba, although the USA blockade remains. Examples, among many others, that prove the USA has pursued its militarist policy, of destabilization and war against all those that , throughout the world, reject and resist before the imposition of its “world order”, aggression policy, that has provoked so much suffering and destruction.

One ought to consider that Obama ends his mandates eroded , before the clear perception that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump candidatures represent and personify all the most reactionary and negative nature within the Democrat and Republican parties. Trump uses a xenophobe and populist speech, placing himself, falsely, in an anti-system position, seeking to reach millions of North-American, he knows to be unemployed, in precarious situation, poverty, with a disillusion and indignation feeling. Clinton, considered (and assumed) as a system candidate joins the financial capital and the military-industrial complex most predominant interests, notwithstanding her ill disguised “falcon” nature. Clinton and Trump, not eluding differences, do not represent different visions regarding the North-American’s society fundamental aspects or even the external policy.

Workers and the people of North-America hold in their hands the building of a real alternative, giving birth to critics and rejection towards the “Wall Street” financial capital domain, the military-industrial complex, in other words, the so-called “establishment” that dominates the USA, critics and rejection that had a major expression along the electoral process.

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