Translated “Avante!” article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC
The Dutch legislative elections, in March 15th, were the first of an electoral processes’ sequence, amid the European Union main powers. Just as the discussion on the EU future, in progress, the public and released discussion on the Dutch and French elections was and is noted for the far-right and “nationalisms” issues. Since the 2016 ending, the main media and the successive polls resulted as a pronounced far-right DFP growth and even its victory. It did not happen. If the DFP becomes The Netherlands second force it is not as the result of a spectacular growth ( only but 3% and 5 MP’s comparing with 2012 , achieving 13.1%, under the 15.7% in 2010), but instead, to an outstanding social-democracy party defeat ( the Labour Party – of Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem), that looses 20 % points and 29 MPs, comparing to 2012, and achieving 5.7% votes. The brutal Labour party electoral erosion is accompanied by an electoral loss of weight of the VVD ( the prime-minister’s right-wing government coalition –VVD / Labour party, and that, besides being the most voted – 21.2%, loosing 5 percentual points and 8 MPs.
Before these results, one ought not to minimize the dangers, associated to the far-right growth within Europe. This tendency exists, is disturbing, ought to be fought, and is inseparable from the capitalism crisis deepening and the emphasis of the reactionary nature of Europe’s political power, namely amid the supranational sphere. Therefore, one must underline three notes.
The first, the nationalism issue manipulation, in order to contradict the so-called “traditional parties” erosion, the EU defenders and pillars. In other words, the far-wing alternative is the right wing and the status quo. During the Dutch elections it was visible, and already visible in the French elections campaign, and part of the European Commission’ White Paper.
The second note, is the cynicism that presides to the alleged concern of some regarding the far-right growth, exactly the same ones that support the Ukrainian fascist regime and the Brazilian plotters, that carry out and support the EU policies, openly reactionary or discharge xenophobe insulting attacks, against European South peoples, as Dijsselbloem or Schauble.
The third, one observes that the EU and its ideological chock troops fight is not against the far-right. On the contrary, the alleged combat against the far-right and nationalisms – issued products from the EU’s own evolution – is used to attack those that, in reality and historically are situated in the opposed ideological field, claim against the Europe capitalist integration process, by defending social progress, democracy and sovereignty, and the real cooperation and solidarity among states and peoples with equal rights. In the name of a false combat against the far-right, those who attack fascism and its deep causes are attacked, even if the far-right ought to be promoted by the media. That says a lot about the European Union political nature.