Translated “Avante!” article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC
The forthcoming date of the new USA president’s entrance in office is approaching and one ought not to ignore the international situation and the imperialism main centres major trends, highlighting the USA as its major power.
The USA elections revealed a number of many important contradictions: amid the North-American society, more and more immersed in a deep social crisis of gigantic and growing inequalities and discriminations; the North-American economy state, holding a financial, external component and international plunder level, pursuing to hinder an economic crisis, the USA relative world economic decline unto the process of forces’ rearrangement at the international level; and concerning the political plan when assisting to the power system’s ideological erosion which has dominated the country.
The Trump administration ought to become an added exploitation, war, turbulence and uncertainty factor. But as proved by Obama’s administration balance, these dangers did not arise with Trump’s election, nor make his predecessors or rivals, as immaculate progressionists. His election is an expression and a consequence of uncertainty and dangers that derive from the world’s evolution and world main imperialist power. By analysing what has happened , and what is the future, by ignoring the capitalism structural crisis deepening backstage, the extremely complex rearrangement force process which marks the world reality, and the imperialism violent offensive which is driving the world towards a general war situation together with the emergence of reactionary and fascists forces, ought to be a mistake.
Trump is not an outsider. He represents the system, he is the face of the great capital and imperialism reaction to the capitalism crisis. Trump and his secretaries’ political direction points out to an even greater USA workers and people exploitation; towards a greater USA violent and bellicose purpose and to a major reactionary drift of the USA home and external policy.
But none of this is unaware of the system. Centring one’s attention in Trump’s nominations concerning his administration, one easily perceives his statements against Wall Street were hastily replaced by the nomination of a administration under the command of millionaires, people coming from the powerful oil industry and a great number of Goldman Sachs staff. His external policy ought to be monitored by sinister figures, authentic falcons, that surely, ought to proceed and intensify the interference and war policy, that Obama’s administration carried out, and certainly will defend the USA’s role within NATO.
But, before a new factor, concerning the political transition amid the USA, being marked by an inaudible public “war” and publicized among the USA different economic, political and military power factions. It is quite visible in the public discussion on the mentioned Russian interference in the USA elections, and that the CIA, FBI and NSA reports do not prove, but to which Trump has given his agreement. A hypocrite and absurd discussion the USA is involved, as currently, in numerous interference and destabilization processes, both by the force of money or weapons.
But that is a “war” in which contradictions are centred in targets, specific interests and tactics, and not according with the decision of proceeding or not the imperialist domain policy. And it is on this peoples’ struggle ought to concentrate its attentions. To defeat Trump and what he signifies, implies to defeat the system that took him, as well as other USA presidents unto power.