The decision announced by the Portuguese government to recognize the self-proclaimed “National Transitional Council of Libya” as the legitimate governing authority of that country is yet another serious decision that violates the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the United Nations Charter and even Resolution 1973 of the UN Security Council approved by the Portuguese government – which in itself represents a violation of its founding Charter.
Such a stand by the Portuguese government, as well as the timing of its announcement, clearly shows the subordination of the Portuguese foreign policy to the interests, strategy and calendar of the main imperialist powers, specially the United States of America, Great Britain and France.
Instead of supporting and promoting initiatives aiming to put an immediate end to NATO´s criminal military aggression against the Libyan people, which is its constitutional duty, the Portuguese government chooses to intensify the lines of open interference in the internal affairs of that country.
The decision to promote and recognize groups whose shoring up results from foreign supports granted to feed the military aggression against their own country, is entirely against national interests and represents an additional and dangerous factor of threat to regional and world peace.
PCP reiterates its condemnation of the military aggression against Libya and appeals to the Portuguese people to demand an immediate end to the bombings and foreign aggression, a peaceful solution to the conflict, respect for the rights of the Libyan people, its sovereignty and the independence and territorial integrity of the country.