"The death Summit"

Article by Rui Paz,collaborator of the International Department

Three days before the Strasbourg summit beginning, Kazan Gul, the Afghani teacher, from the Kost province,
referring the foreign occupation armies in Afghanistan, explained, on channel – TV Phonix, how the NATO commands undergo night assaults in his country’s villages, assassinating entire families. The day after, the populations carry the elderly, women and children’s bodies into Kabul, so that all might see who are the "terrorists", the military Alliance are killing. Kazan describes the NATO troops are described by Kazan as being "savages that do as they want" and concludes saying that "in the old days, people were against the Taliban. But nowadays, those times seemed to have been better compared with the current situation". Obviously, the media which covered the Strasbourg summit hid these atrocities, which imperialism has been celebrating for a long time. The German daily "Die Welt"( online.09.04.03 ), the Angela Merkel’s party ultra right-wing spokesman, greets the summit, with a text entitled "Europe gives Obama more soldiers for Afghanistan." The panegyric ends, highlighting that "President Barack Obama incited Europeans to increase their military capacity". " We should be very satisfied to see Europe holding a reinforced military defence capacity", Obama declared during a joint press conference with Sarkozy, the French president. The North-American president instigated panic by saying that "owing to Europe’s geographical situation, it is more vulnerable to terrorism than America".

The flames and smoke spirals that irrupted from the Twin Towers, in New York, on the 9.11, the Television building, in Belgrade, raided by the NATO air forces, during the aggression against Yugoslavia, or the bombed Duma, by Ielesin’s tanks, under the unanimous applause of the world capitalism powers, are similar, not only to the dramatic images, but to their criminal and terrorist character. Such events illustrate well the chosen method by imperialism, in order to establish its exploiting and oppressive new world order. The PCP Political Committee’s document "For the NATO’s Dissolution" is the reinstatement of the truth of the facts and the perfect analysis of the monopoly capitalist military alliance role, since its foundation up to the present. The historical ignorance and the blindness towards reality, demonstrated by Obama during this Strasbourg staging, must not allow us, we Portuguese, to forget , the " race day " or the "10th of June", during the times when fascism endeavoured to make believe the colonial army was a "peace" instrument and for the defence of a " superior civilization", the so-called " west civilization".

The militarism summit is marked by the new North-American effort to reorganize the imperialist hierarchy and totally integrate in the death banquet, states, such as Germany and France, which, due to their own ambitions and by having been secundarized by George Bush during the Iraqi ravage, have shown some suspicion on lighning up unto the most infinite details in all Washington decisions. Socrates’ government has not hesitated in announcing Portugal’s reinforcement of its military participation within Afghanistan’s occupation. But the peoples are aware that from crocodiles eggs, peace pigeons are not born. Only the ultimate defeat of the capitalist system will allow to replace the peoples’ dignity and sovereignty and definitely end the bellicose nightmare and the death summits.


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