"Cyprus and the Capitalist Crisis"

Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the CC

At the time the Portuguese are facing more news on the dramatic worsening of the country’s economic and social situation, Cyprus, once having broken its resistance unto the IMF and EU guidelines, regarding the right-wing elections outcome on the 2013.02.24, becoming the fifth European Union country subjected to disastrous “bail-out plans”, imposed by the great capital and object of an unique offensive on the Cypriots’ bank deposits, provoking an indignation and uprising wave, which is setting the new reactionary government against the wall.

In Cyprus, as well as in Portugal, under the “aid” pretext to impede “bankruptcy” ( of the banking), the same demands in salary and revenues cuttings, public services dismantlement, privatizations, along with “structural reforms”. The very same exploitation intensifying rights destruction, capital centralizing and concentration, limitations to sovereignty. The same impoverishment, unemployment, recession and over -indebtedness consequences. The same suction added value and drainage mechanisms towards the private and monopolist sector of the public patrimony. All, within a framework, more and more assumed, that austerity has come to stay, that one ought not to count with the return to the situation, previous to the Lehman Brothers fall, in 2008, when impoverishment, unemployment, salary cuttings, labour deregulation and all that has been in the centre of the great capital offensive, is to be continued, beyond the famous “return to the markets”.

Under this perspective, the great capital announces unto the Cypriot and Portuguese people and other further peoples, in which the working class, through its struggle and benefiting from the existence of the socialist field, achieved historic liberation advances. A perspective which confirms , not only the capitalism incapacity of responding to humanity’s problems, but also its inexorable evolution towards a more and more unproductive, financial and parasite direction ( linked with the profit tax squeeze trend), in which the contradictions between capital and labour work and between the production social nature and its private appropriation, have extraordinarily worsened, placing in the agenda, the need for deep anti-monopolist and anti-imperialist changes, towards socialism.

In order to impose the civilization setback, demanded by the financial capital hegemony, to impede that resistance and the popular struggle inevitable growth might threat the system, and contour the installed crisis of the liberal-bourgeois representation mechanisms and its perverse alternating right- wing / social-democracy system, in order to revert the progressive processes which open the underway through, as in the Bolivarian Venezuela, and the leader classes use, more and more, authoritarianism, militarism and aggression and occupation wars. Therefore, the greatest attention is necessary, before the imperialist dragging of spades, in the Middle East, Africa or the Korean Peninsula, where the, USA- South Korea-Japan military manoeuvres, of huge dimension, are in progress, and which cannot be ignored, being war preparations. And recall that in Cyprus, together with its strategic situation within the Eastern Mediterranean, its Non-Alignment tradition, the country’s unification patriotic struggle, the powerful workers’and trade-union movement, and Europe’s most influent communist party, place in stake problems of the greatest regional and international importance.

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