
Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the PCP Political Committee and of the International Department

In Egypt, a strong popular uprising obliged the White House to drop one of the most faithful dictators, “on duty“, in the region, two and a half years ago. But Washington, in order to prevent its economic and military power “to fall on the streets” in the country, used all its means. The times that followed: the designation of the military Junta, ensuring the “democratic” transition; preparation of parliament elections in November 2011 and presidential in May and June 2012, were the proof of how imperialism, and in particular, the North-American, has always acted following two objectives: to maintain, within the “faithful” military elites, the country’s greatest part of the economic, political and military power and , simultaneously, seek the “political solutions” which ought to ensure that the latter, issued from the “transition” would never jeopardize the building of the imperialist power in the Egyptian economy, policy and army. That is how the Muslim Brotherhood came to power. Reality will tell which were the main reasons for its violent removal, via a military coup and which originated a justified popular uprising regarding politics and the constitution’s “ Islam” nature, which the Muslim brothers carried out. But among them, the right-wing Islamic “mission” could eventually not serve imperialism’s tactics anymore.

Before this reality, one must observe the current events: the military coup linked to the former regime, Mubarak’s announced liberation, political leaders’ mass imprisonments, demonstrations smashed by force, incitement to violence, the killing of over 750 people, undergone by the army, in other words, the return to pure dictatorship.

It is important to consider two other important elements on analysing the situation. Firstly, the popular masses in progress, and the movements which struggle for a genuine revolution within Egypt, have hugely learnt during these last two and a half years of struggle. This factor ought to be determining to assess if the false dilemma in reference above, imposed upon the people of Egypt, currently - between an Islamic religious regime or an strongly built military dictatorship -, faraway from the people’s real interests, will make its way.

The second element is about the imperialism’s strategy of destabilizing the region and the use of military force, in order to, via the false dilemma above, keep its power, at any cost. Israel and the USA , with the European Union support and the involvement of the Gulf dictatorships ( highlighting Saudi Arabia), are behind many of the explosive situations in the region. Within Syria, where they are linked, as allies, to Islamic radical terrorists, in order to try to depose Syria’s legitimate government; in Lebanon, the recent terrorist attack in Bayreuth’s suburbs “holds the digital impressions of the Israeli regime”, in the words of president Suleiman; and in Palestine , where the Zionist regime, with the USA’s support , proceeds with military provocations and the building of settlements, at the same time, they push ahead the Palestine Authority to attend negotiations, already questioned by several Palestinian progressive organizations.

Concerning Egypt, the Saudi dictatorship proclaims its fight against terrorists, but hands over weapons to Islamic terrorists in Syria. The USA and the EU are involved in an aggression war against Syria, monitoring the “democracy” concept, the very same “democracy” they step on, when in reality they offer protection to the Egyptian military coup, along with violent repression.

Concerning a general view of the region’s situation, what seems to prevail, and Egypt confirms, imperialism wants to impose division and chaos within the region, in order to reign. Against this strategy the use of only one weapon is possible, unity of workers’ and the Arab peoples’ concerning their national and class interests. And that is the only possible way out for the crossroads to where the region is being impelled.

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