"Crisis and democracy"

Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the CC

One is currently going through grim times in which capitalism’s exploiter, oppressor and aggressive nature tends towards expressing itself under more and more acute ways. Primarily, as socialism’s defeats’ consequences carry on alive, side by side with imperialism’s violent offensive, in order to recuperate lost positions throughout the 20th century. And because, within the framework of its structural and systemic crisis deepening, the capitalist system crosses a long over-production and over -accumulation cycle, for which it has but only one solution: workers exploitation intensifying, capitalist periphery peoples re-colonization, the planet’s natural resources appropriation and dilapidation. What, along with the capital centralization and concentration, favoured by the crisis, and the consequent decrease of the monopolist social basis power support, only can drive unto the sharpening of class and national contradictions, resistance and popular struggle increase throughout the world, the progressive and revolutionary processes emerging, as what currently is taking place in Latin America.

Confronting this threatening reality, the dominant classes, agitate their “terrorism” scarecrow ( and add to their terminology ”extremism”, “radicalism” and “revolt”), adopt measures of security nature, intensify repression, theorize the need of changing fundamental rights conquered with great courage, for “ security” and “stability”. The brutal social and civilization regression which they intend to impose, is incompatible with the “liberal / democratic” exercise of its class dictatorship, and at the same time, the imperialism centres, persist in anti-communism, trivializing racist and fascist forces advance, elaborating and practise a bourgeois “ state of law” conception, more and more muscled at internal level, and arbitrary, aggressive and criminal at external level and which, considering the most advanced science and technical achievements , hold unprecedented threats for freedom.
Its recent revelation on sophisticated espionage mechanisms carried out by the North-American NSA with Google, Microsoft, Apple and many other internet potentates’ services, is an alert for the dangers to which citizens and peoples are exposed to, throughout the world.

Dangers, which capitalism messengers hinder and even deny, but are more and more real when originated from deep economic roots. Confronted with the inexorable profit tax trend-rate drop, together with the stagnation and recession situation the stronger capitalist economies have plunged into and the evident system incapacity of answering to workers’ and peoples ’problems and aspirations, the great capital is preparing for the worst and plays , more and more, on what regards fundamental rights limitation and liquidation. The trans-national structures and policies reinforcement, conditioned by the capital trans-nationalization, stepping on countries sovereignty as in Portugal, ought but be imposed by a coercive via, a question which is well patent in the European Union growing anti-democratic character, and within a vast number of so-called “security” measures, which, on articulating with NATO and the North-America intelligence, plays a major growing role.

Our struggle towards a left-wing policy and patriotic government, for the aggression pact rejection and the rupture with the European capitalist integration process, is simultaneously, an internationalist struggle for freedom and democracy.

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