Contribution of the Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party

A kommunisták mi vagyunk!
We are the Communists!

Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party I would like to thank our Portuguese comrades for organising this meeting.
We are discussing today very important questions. It is our future we are deciding now. Let me make some remarks on the basis of our Hungarian experience.

We feel everyday the attacks of capitalist forces against workers and working classes. And we feel every day their attacks against communist parties. They want to destroy us completely. They will never forget 1917 and 1945. Now they take revenge. Capitalist forces conquered Eastern Europe. The European Union occupied our markets, including Hungary. They have not stopped. They continue their attacks in different directions.

First, in our countries, which had already joined the EU and the NATO, they want to put the expenses of the capitalist modernisation on the shoulders of our working people. They want our working masses to pay for their capitalist modernisation. That’s why they attack our healthcare system, education, system of pensions. This way the European capital transfers to us not only the expenses of European capitalist modernisation but also their social conflicts.

Second, in those counties which had not joined the capitalist integrations yet, they propagate the so called democratisation. They want to involve these countries into their sphere of influence. In practice it means the export of capitalist counterrevolution into these countries. Now first of all I mean Belarus.

Comrades, we are convinced that our struggle is rather difficult but it is not a mission impossible.  Our mission is possible. On the basis of our experience we consider inevitable to solve the following problems.

First, we should fight against capitalism. We should fight for the interests of working people in our countries. If we search compromises with capitalism, if we want to be adapted into the bourgeois democratic system, we will die, we will disappear. If we fight against capitalism, we will face great difficulties but we will survive and we will win.

Second, we should support all forces fighting against capitalism.  Capitalism has not give up military plans. On the contrarary. Capital does not accept any limits any more. There are not national borders. There are not even obligatory international norms. The Soviet Union does not exist any more. Capital has found the new enemies, international terrorism and Islamic world.

We are against the so called democratisation of independent Eastern European countries. We are against the policy of pressure used towards Belarus. We are on the side of the Belarus communists and the people of Belarus. Comrades, I call all of you not to repeat the historic mistakes of our fight during the NATO-aggression against Yugoslavia. We should be prepared in due time to help the Belarus people. We, Hungarian communist are ready to play a coordinating role in this question.

We support the right and just fight of Arab people against imperialism. The battle for the peace of the Middle East is going on not only in the Arab countries. We, Europeans can play an important role in this field.

We are convinced that president Chavez in Venezuela is fighting with the same red flag as we do. We support their fight against US imperialism, we support their Boliviarian revolution.

We support the multinational forms of cooperation of the communist and workers’ parties. We support the process started in Athens. We have entered the right way. We need regular meetings. We need Solidarity Found. We need working bodies which can help our national fight. We fully support the draft of our common document.


All of you know the recent turbulent events in Hungary. It is not a social revolution yet. It is not a revolution yet but we can say that the Hungarian capitalism is in crisis.

The fight is going on between political forces, representing the same capitalist class. The Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) and the Party of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) want to save the power. The League of Young Democrats-Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz) wants to seize power. None of them are innocent, like snow-white lamb. 

On the other hand small and middle capitalists represented now by drugstore owners and doctors fight against big capital supported by the actual government. They fight for their own capitalist existence. They fight because their life and existence are connected with Hungary. They cannot transfer their drugstores or surgeries from the Hungarian village to Paris.

And there is one more aspect. The Hungarian intellectuals fight against big capital, too. It was the Hungarian intellectuals to prepare the change of the social-economic system in 1990. Now they lose everything. On television you can see the darlings of the multinational companies, and not the representatives of Hungarian intellectuals. They are not present in the power not even symbolically. The intellectuals feel better than any other social groups that we are losing the basic elements of our national existence, the Hungarian schools, Hungarian culture, and Hungarian language.

Workers, working class do not participate yet in this battle. But it is true that they begin to understand their hopeless situation. They are losers of capitalism and now they pay for capitalist modernisation.

What are we doing?

First, we decided to fight with tooth and nail for our own workers’ interests. We are not interested in the success of the capitalist reforms of the actual government. We are not interested in such a solution when we should pay the price of the capitalist modernisation.

Second, we decided to support the fight of the Hungarian small and middle enterprisers for their survival. It is their battle but at the same time it is our battle, too.

Third, we decided to defend and to strengthen our party, the only Marxist left party in Hungary. On our recent 22nd congress, finished 4 November we decided to fully renew our party, practically to build up a new party, an effective revolutionary Marxist-Leninist fighting organisation of disciplined members. We can never foresee how the situation will develop tomorrow. We should be on the side of the workers and working people.

The Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party is one the communist parties of the former European socialist countries. I am convinced that our parties have large revolutionary potential.

The Eastern European societies are full of conflicts. Capitalism destroys workers and working people. We are not winners of capitalism, we are victims. We are looking for new answers. We want to contribute to the strengthening of the revolutionary spirit of the communist movement.

Thank you.

Gyula Thürmer,
President of the Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party

  • Central
  • International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties
  • International Activity
  • European Union
  • Hugo Chávez
  • Venezuela
  • Yugoslavia