Translated "Avante!" article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC and of the International Department
Brussels was hit by terrorist attacks, claimed by the “Islamic State” ( ISIS, ISIL or DAESH), on March 22nd, killing 35 people and provoking more than 300 wounded. Alexandria, in Iraq, was the aim of another terrorist attack, equally claimed by “ISIS”, on the 25th, killing 32 people and 80 wounded. In Lahore, Pakistan, another attack by the self-denominated “ Jammat ul Ahrar” ( a Taliban secession) killing 72 people and 359 wounded , on the 27th.
One ought to carry on reminding tens of other terrorist attacks or military conflicts’ reports, which directly victimized about 200 000 human beings during 2014. Conflicts nurtured by the imperialist great powers industrial military complexes, a business of billions, dominated by the NATO, in which six of its members ( USA, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark) are responsible for 56% of the total of worldwide weapon “exports” (the USA in the first place, holding 33% (1), having as main “clients” countries such as Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and …Saudi Arabia, the second greatest world weapon importer, only supplanted by India.
Examining these NATO “clients” list, one brings to light the ever after PCP’s statement : terrorism ought to be fought within its causes, and one of them, is the militarism and war policy, interference, aggression against sovereign states and state terrorism. At the same time, the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda were created, financed, “educated” and trained by the CIA, in order to fight the “Soviet enemy” and control Afghanistan, the “modern” Islamic terrorism being a result of the world imperialist powers’ action, which have the purpose of re-dividing the Middle East, keeping its economic and military supremacy within the region or their regional “clients” . The British Islamic Institute’ president, during a recent interview to a Portuguese newspaper, stated that “the ISIS did not come from nonentity, and always existed, ISIS is Saudi Arabia” (2). That is right, both considering the statement from the ideological point of view ( Baha’ism and Salafism are the common ideological basis of the Saudi dictatorial regime, ISIS and the Al-Qaeda),, or the point of view of Saudi Arabia’s role, and its allies in the “Gulf Cooperation Counsel”, concerning the imperialist strategy of sectarian and confessional re-division in the region, particularly in Syria.
The NATO main “clients” liaisons with mercenary and criminal groups ,within the Middle East, that perform within Syria, are currently, heavily documented. “ISIS” strengthening results from the “ Free Syrian Army” creation, which integrates or integrated terrorists organizations, as the “ Al-Nusra Front” and the “ISIS”, and whose fighters were trained in camps, in Turkey. An “Army” of “liberators”, which had Ibrahim al-Badri, as one of its main “leaders”, currently known as the “calipha” Abu Bakr al- Bagdadi, the “Islamic State” “leader” in Iraq and Syria, with liaisons to John Mc-Cain ,the North-American senator.
No hypocrisy ought to wipe out evidence: terrorism that crosses the European continent was born from the chaos created by the successive imperialist interventions amid the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. It was born from war, which, since the first Iraq invasion, last century, was fought against all states, within the Middle East, that committed the terrible crime of not subduing to imperialist domain. Terrorism in Brussels, nurtures ideologically from hate exhaled from the “civilizations chock” theories along with the existent racism and xenophobia among the so-called migrant European policies. Adding to weapons, vehicles, terrorist organizations’ huge “operational costs”, that do not fall from heaven. And the money track takes one right to NATO and its “clients”.
1. Trends in international arms transfers, 2015 – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
2. https/ /mundo/ noticia/o-estado-islamico-sempre-existiu-e-a-arabia-saudita-1716649?.page=.1