"Change course"

Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves. member of the PCP Political Committee and of the International Department

Several demonstrative events of the international situation’s three great trends, have taken place in the last two weeks.

The first commentary reports to the capitalism crisis and the European Union’s situation. The Eurostat, illustrated with data, the painful side of Europe’s social crisis, by revealing the historical record of the unemployment numbers, this week. A flagellum which particularly affects the young workers, as in Spain, with a juvenile unemployment rate of about 50%. Before this situation of social catastrophe, what do the so-called “European leaders” , gathered in Brussels , last Monday? They settle a run ahead - materialized with the approval of the budget pact imposed by Germany and the ill-called “ European Stability Mechanism” - which will but deepen all the causes of the severe existent crisis within the European continent and will institutionalize the austerity , civilization and social setback policies. From outside the European summit, the Belgium workers were concentrated, which that very same day played a struggle historical workday with the taking place, of a general strike called by the three general unions, for the first time in two decades. Thenceforth, they joined workers which, in countries like Portugal, Greece, Spain, among others, played an important trend towards the strengthening of the social and masses struggle within the European continent.

The second commentary regards the imperialism criminal action which has intensified along with the crisis deepening. The European Union approved a new set of sanctions against Iran, in a whole hypocrisy exercise round the nuclear issue and that essentially had the purpose to contribute for the bellicose threats agenda against this sovereign country, during last week. At the same time, the USA ordered two war vessels to pass through the Suez Channel, in direction to the Red Sea, prepared for the launching of the sadly well-known Tomahawk missiles. Barack Obama, had stated, in the Google+ “on-line conversation” last Monday, that the USA’s regularly bombs Pakistan with (drones) non-piloted planes and on the same day, the death of 12 people, after an air raid in Yemen, is announced. The Security Council met in New York on Tuesday, having as an agenda the Arab League proposal for a coup in Syria. A “proposal” which comes upon a week of new conflicts’ set off by armed groups which, and as the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs denounced, are being armed and financed by the USA and other NATO powers. At the very same moment of this text’s draw up, one does not yet know this Security Council’s meeting final outcome, but it is possible to conclude that, on one hand there really exists a military aggression agenda against Syria, set on a whole similar strategy as in Libya, and that, on the other hand, countries like China and Russia, are creating difficulties upon the imperialism’s strategy which, via the UN’s orchestration, to“legitimate” another imperialist aggression war.

The third commentary reports unto Latin America. Dilma Roussef carried out a visit to Cuba, of the greatest importance, during this week. A few days after the conclusion of Cuba’s Communist Party National Conference works on organization issues, and upon a shameful anti- Cuban campaign which tried to, unsuccessfully, condition the Cuban communists sovereign discussion, having the President of Brazil’s visit to Cuba tighten even more the relations between one of the World’s greatest economies and the socialist island, confirming the international prestige Cuba enjoys , specially amid the Latin-American context, and demonstrates a great contribution for the anti-imperialist struggle towards the processes in progress within the subcontinent.

If imperialism action draws great dangers for the peoples, workers struggle, peoples and countries like Cuba, prove it is possible, through their struggle, to change History’s direction, defeat capitalism and build a future of peace, progress and cooperation, for all peoples world-wide.

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