By Jorge Cadima


Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

The cease-fire agreement in Syria, ought to be positive if , following the guarantee given by the government of Syria and the UN Security Council, represented the end of the deadly war that has destroyed that secular Middle East country, for more than four years.

But these hopes do not stand on solid basis.

Immediately on the following day to the agreement signature, the Wall Street Journal stated that ” a high governmental official”, in order to affirm that Ashton Carter, the minister of Defence, general Joseph Dunford, the Army High Commandant – in - Chief, and John Brennan, the CIA director, established an “ emergent falcon alliance before Russia, which proves a disagreement amid the high military and diplomatic officials” , defending a military escalade against the government of Syria and Russia. According to the newspaper, those USA high officials demand measures in order to “ make the Russians suffer” giving as an example “ the land-air weapon supply that allow the oppositionist fighters to stop the Russian air power, with systems that represent a great change in the course of the events”. In other words: able of throwing down Russian planes. Two days later, the USA proceeded “to the second launching of an inter-continental ballistic missile, in the space of a week”. Not to allow any doubts, Robert Work, the vice-minister of the Defence stated that the manoeuvres “send a message, to strategic rivals, such as Russia, China and North - Korea saying Washington holds an effective nuclear arsenal, “ They are made precisely for that purpose , he stated” (in Reuters, 2016.02.26).

The cease-fire announcement results from the dramatic situation in which terrorist bands, that fight the imperialist war against the people of Syria, are , as a result of the military collaboration of the Syrian government and their Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies. Terrorists under the USA, as some admitted, during more promising times: “ In a secret office, near the Syrian boarder here [in Turkey], USA and their allies secret agents[…] pay monthly salaries of at least 100 dollars, to about 10 000fighters in the North of Syria” (in New York Times, 2014.09.18). Terrorists, which include the ISIL and the al-Nusra Front ,to whom Michael Hudson , the North-American economist, calls the “American Foreign Legion”, sent unto any country they wish to destroy and conquer” (in a published interview in, 2016.02.17).

It is certain that disagreements are more and more on the public eye among the USA’s several governmental branches, or among the latter and some of its allies (as Israel or Turkey) reflecting the failures and the relative weakening of the imperialist super-power. But, beyond the rows, the cease-fire represents a possibility in order to alleviate the pressure on those bands and recuperate strength. It is also natural, that regarding these news and statements there exists the desire of making loud voices in a moment of retreat. But imperialist militarism holds objective causes which and it ought to be dangerous to underestimate the USA and its “profound State” leadership class criminality. Capitalism situates itself amid a systemic crisis, that will go through and prove new serious episodes. The economic force correlation is in a deep change. Within the USA, the social crisis intensity is reflected on the violence episodes explosion, increase of drug consumption and mortality rate, decrease of life expectation for the poor (in The Atlantic, 2015.11.04); in the New York Times, 2016.01. 16), besides, perverse forms, during the presidential campaign, in progress. Incapable to respond to its own crisis, there exists a great temptation to use unlimited violence. And therefore, the last military budget, presented by the Obama Nobel Peace Prize, last month, predicts an increase of 1.8 million dollars in nuclear weapons expense (in Reuters, 2016, 02 26).

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